Opponent of My Opposition (Hour Thirteen, A Four Way Stop Sign)


Opponent of My Opposition


I’m a walking contradiction

filled with inconsistency.

How can I expect acceptance

when I cannot understand me?

As for the unborn right to life,

I’ll be a vessel for their voice.

What science calls “a clump of cells,”

I call a child, not a choice!


The Lord hath proclaimed vengeance His;

tooth for ev’ry tooth, eye for eye.

When a man’s life has been taken,

the one who took it now must die.

I believe in showing mercy,

bringing suffering to its end;

providing death with dignity,

surrounded by fam’ly and friends.


I must agree that love is love,

whether you’re bi or straight or gay;

your rights should still be protected,

but that protection works both ways.

I support the right to bear arms,

to protect life and liberty,

but even moreso to defend

against the force of tyranny.


I could keep this up all evening,

laying bare my inner conflict.

My list would roll on for miles, as

my own opinions contradict.

I hope by now, you understand

the wars which rage inside of me:

victim of my indecision,

captive of my insanity.


****A stop sign is another fictitious format from the mind behind the madness, made up of stanzas consisting of eight lines apiece, which are each composed of eight syllables. The number of stanzas which complete the poem determine the number of sides on the corresponding Stop Sign. In this poem, there are four verses, making it a Four-Way Stop Sign.****

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