The Comfort Zone
I’ve never been the kind of gal
who freely gives her hugs away.
But when I can sense someone is
struggling, heart heavy with sorrow,
my instincts trump anxieties
and antisocial tendencies.
Without words of explanation,
hindered not by hesitation,
I step beyond my comfort zone,
hoping to bring back the broken,
letting love lead us to the light.
Human touch heals the hopelessness
of mourners lamenting the loss
of a loved one, lessening the
loneliness of those left behind.
In that brief but bless-ed moment,
compassion connects us, building
bridges across distances the
Devil designed to divide us.
By God’s grace, we stand united
through that most meaningful moment
when one soul reached for another,
sharing strength and hope and comfort,
showing a Love like no other.
(A stop sign is a format I created on a whim as I wrote this. I called it a stop sign because there are eight lines in each stanza, and eight syllables per line. As I added stanzas, I decided each stanza should represent a stop from a different direction. Therefore, since this poem has three stanzas, it has been crowned a three way stop sign.)