Three Days Grace (Hour Eleven, A Somonka Poem)

Three Days Grace

Son, I have watched you

grow from bouncing baby boy

to once and future

King. This proud poppa’s heart hurts.

Fear not; I’ll see you soon.


Tell me, Father, why

hast Thou forsaken me? I’ve

done as you asked. Please

don’t leave me, Daddy. Even three

days without You is too long.


(A somonka is composed of two tankas, written in two different voices, that carries a central theme of love. It doesn’t have to be romantic love; it can be brotherly, platonic, parental, etc. A tanka poem is made up of five lines with a syllabic count of 5/7/5/7/7. This poem was inspired by the hours just before Jesus Christ’s crucifixion.)


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