
treal1971's Profile

Name treal1971
About Me Hi, my name is Tanya and, I was in the 2017 Poetry Marathon. I did the 24 then but I only completed 21 poems & in 2020 I did the 12. In 2021 I did the 12. This year I'll be doing 12 again. I used to write stories and poems all the time but I reached a low in life around 1992 and attempted suicide, I’m so glad I lived because I would’ve missed so much in my life no matter how good or bad; my experiences have taught me so much. I lost a fiancee in 1994 to drowning and then in 1998 I lost another one when he was hit while riding his motocycle. I have kids by both. Anyway I’ve been busy raising my kids and just trying to get back to me. I now have 4 adult kids; a son soon to be 29, who is now a stepdad and married, a 27 year old daughter who has a 3 yr old daughter, a soon to be 26 year old son who is married and doing well in his job and has a stepson he adopted as well as a new baby girl who is , and a 22 year old son with autism spectrum disorder. I myself became a new mom at 48 years old she is getting ready to turn 5 and I got married in 2020, my little girl was born 2 months early on December 17, 2018 through emergency c-section due to a placental abruption she weighed 4lbs 7ozs. She has brought such a light into my life. Thank you for letting me be involved again. I am excited every year now and can't wait for the marathon.