Hour 1 – Golden Shovel

Our journey on this sphere is limited in
time. Cliché, yes, but true. I think so much about life
and its ending now that I
am old enough for a senior discount. Some say–
“I won’t write to her, let
our sister be alone. She made her choices,” but me,
I can’t. I’ll keep reaching out and come
to the end, hopefully more healed and closer.
What happens in those in-between odd and even
years that breaks relationships? if
we knew would we fix it?
It is bitterness and hatred that kills
not forgiveness and love, which I choose for me

My striking line came from “Divergence” by Diana Khoi Nguyen
“In life I say let me come closer even if it kills me”

2 thoughts on “Hour 1 – Golden Shovel

  1. Love this! I, too, did a golden shovel from the line offered in the prompt. Apparently I need to read more from this poet. Thanks for posting the link.

    Also I love what you made from the line! Especially this: ‘What happens in those in-between odd and even
    years that breaks relationships? if
    we knew would we fix it?’

    Thank you.

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