2 thoughts on “Hour Seven – Elfchen Poem

  1. The “random” prompt brought me to this poem, and I’m so glad it did! I had not heard of this form before, and I appreciate the forced brevity of this. So often, we have the luxury of words, but when forced to distill a thought or feeling or experience down to its core, it can be both a challenge and a great reward. I. Love. This. I appreciate the sound repetition between Stride and Strong – the str- can be tough to match without slipping into cliche, and you completely bypassed that. Lovely. There is also something really catching in the “arriving ready” – I don’t fully know what it ‘means,’ but I like the sense it gives me reading it. This is almost like a mantra or motivation. Thank you random poem selector! Thank you Denise~!

    1. Thank you, Denise, for your kind words. I am going to check out that random poem selector. I have a hard time knowing where to go to read more poems from the marathon.

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