Dream of an Ex-Friend

Dream of an Ex-Friend


Your face beneath my eyelids,

contorted. I try to remember


your words: sideways mouth,

rage erupting in whirlpools.


In the morning, all that remains

are your eyes and an empty coffeepot.

Familiar sizzle: hiss of water,

steady drip towards wakefulness.


I wonder where you are now,

two time zones ahead, stirring


in your own small bed. That photo

of you and your lover, his hands


protecting your shoulders. The book

of poems you sent me. My final

glimpse of you, face half-covered

in a surgical mask, pushing it aside


between sips of beer. Why have we

allowed thirty years to be trampled

underfoot? It wasn’t me,

or even you. Though I tried to listen,


my dreams offer nothing,

and consciousness only brings spite.

One thought on “Dream of an Ex-Friend

  1. This is a very relatable poem about the conflict that we feel about ex-friends and you have done a good job of weaving in vignettes that give the reader your particular take on the them. My only advice would be to compress the text to single line spacings, with the exception, perhaps, of the second last stanza, where the extra line spacing will emphasize the thirty year gap. Nicely done. Thanks for sharing.

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