To have a successful garden in Colorado
You must repeat a series of actions
First, there will be enough sun,
so cross your fingers and hope for rain
You must repeat a series of actions
to grow and harvest vegetables in the dry sunshine
After crossing your fingers and hoping for rain;
you may give up and start dragging a hose around
So you’re growing vegetables for harvest in the dry sunshine
But, then you must protect them from pests
You started dragging a hose around for water
You may start dragging fencing, too
You must protect your beans and squash from pests
Like bunnies, deer, raccoons, and squirrels, too
You may start dragging fencing, too
Snow fence or dog pens. Hurry!
I like bunnies, deer, and squirrels, too
but I want to harvest something.
Snow fence, dog pens, post and wire
I just want to harvest something!