Cody’s Introduction Post

Here we go again…
Feels like a lifetime ago since the last Marathon. As the world spirals further into uncertainty, I find solace in poetry, using words and lines, allegories and metaphors to try and describe my state of being in context of the chaos that surrounds us all.

In these crazy times, creative expression becomes ever more important to try and make some kind of sense out of the all-that-is.

I’ve always been inspired by society’s upheaval and radical culture shifts, from the anti-globalization protests of the early 2000’s to Occupy to the present day the collapse of the American dream has always been a muse, for better or for worse.

I think there’s a beauty in the transmutation of pain into art, and I’ve always been inspired by those who are able to take personal and/or collective passion and express it in a way that makes you think, makes you wince, makes you feel.

Passion can be love and happiness, but sometimes it’s righteous indignation and uncontained rage. Sometimes it’s anguish and sorrow at generations of oppression. Sometimes it’s hope, sometimes it’s hopelessness. But for all that it is, I think it’s our duty as poets to express it in this form.

Good luck everyone, see you in the trenches. Hold nothing back.

One thought on “Cody’s Introduction Post

  1. What a wonderful introduction to yourself, and your work.

    I love this. The sentiment of there being “beauty in the transmutation of pain into art”. Though I doubt I could have said this so eloquently this is an ethos I try to always write with. Opening ones self, like an emotional conduit, allows for the creation of work which generates true introspection for both reader and poet alike.

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