-In response to “Giving A Fuck”-
Dwelling upon these systems of control
Is hypocritical
Because an obsession with oppressive systems of control is in itself a form of control
An activist becomes reactionary
Anti-fascist, anti-racist, anti-war…
But what are you FOR?
The only way to escape these systems of control is to create a new system of your own
While decrying oppression is empowering,
Defining yourself by what you stand against is dangerous
Any progress made just a contradiction of external control mechanisms,
A treatment of symptoms,
Ignoring systemic causes
Thumb nose at pop cultures,
Dismiss statism in all it’s forms,
But all that anger,
Defiant rage
Imprisons the individual
Far more than any piece of totalitarian legislation passed by governments
Illumination of the problems doesn’t solve them
If all focus is on the external,
The internal atrophies,
What makes us original and unique
All energy expended on everything but ourselves
Freedom isn’t too far out of reach
But to hold something,
Grasp lightly,
Think mindfully,
Act righteously,
Walk with Purpose
Because talk
Is cheap