Poem 01 – Liminal Lamentation

When the harbinger of light finds me
I feel sleep’s sweet embrace slipping
Darkness departs in stirred slumber
Trials for a new day greet
Slowly stirring consciousness
Words form constellations
I should have written them down

A Dying God

You woke me from a dream where thre works never ended.

My husband ached; orange candle wax smeared in my ex-husband’s scruff.

You led me to my spot amongst the pillows and skulls, last night’s Pink Cat Cheshire sticky in the glass.

My lovely god of death and ruin.

How gracefully your flesh melts and your voice roughtens.

In your endings I am renewed.

Hour 1 – Unboxed

Too may boxes for far too long

have been checked on my name

with sweeping declarations –

“You’re fat”, “You’re lazy” “You’re ugly”

“Sloppy”, “Forgetful”

And many have me filed under the not’s

“Not street smart” “Not capable of handling things”

“Not quick on your feet” and

the list goes on.

I listened and I believed

and ripped myself into tiny pieces,

each one scrambling to get a nod,

to erase the tick mark.

Till one day – there was nothing left

and I heard my own voice say  – “Enough.”

Now I am on a journey

that belongs to me alone

and on this path,

I walk as a whole.



The Joy of Unseen Things

Water runs along the gutter
down the drain
into the sewer

I don’t need to see it
to know that it is there
taking our waste away

The same way
my heart beats at 60bpm
moving blood through me

I do not see the work
that brings electricity
into my home

Or understand how
I can send a text to another country
in a matter of seconds

But I take great joy in
what I receive from
all these invisible workings

Clean city streets
Love to share

[Prompt 2: The joy of unseen things.]

Suburban Pastoral #2

Day lillies in June

day tripping

dropping pretention

and petals

Hello, America!

narrow and rushing

stubborn and tempestuous

despite such poor soil

Hour 2: Unseen Beauty

A sense of accomplishment

Courage in your heart

Reaching the finish line

When you were not sure that you could start.

Faith in what you believe in

Confidence that you will succeed

Humility to admit that you were wrong

Even a touch of greed.

Love that makes your heart explode

Sadness that makes you cry

Happiness that fills your soul

Contentment that causes you to sigh.

So many things are in this life

In the bountiful places in between.

A multitude of feelings

The joy of things unseen.

2021 Poetry Marathon, Hour 2

I stuck with the text prompt for Hour 2. 

Coffee and change

Used to be a bit of spare change
might buy a cup of coffee or two
(with enough left over to leave a tip on the counter)

Just enough to wake you up
on a slow morning

Seems hardly anyone
drinks straight coffee anymore

Now it’s mostly liquid dessert
in tall, grande, or venti

Just enough to wind you up
for the next sugar crash

And there’s no such thing as change

26 June 2021

The Universe

The universe is our stage.

We grasps it, you love it, and you want it.

We sing we dance; we’ll act upon the big stage.

And we’ll be the best at whatsoever we do throughout our whole life.

All that it has taught us from the beginning

We then make it with the help of our Abba.




The Boat

Open air and closed eyes.

Soft breeze through hair

like a gentle lover.

Lapping waves and ocean spray cools

where sun beats down.

Smell of salt and algae;

anywhere else a sign of rot,

but here, freedom