Sombrillas sombras


With coloured fabric the sky is full with surprises

against odds time flies briefly in a subject,

spining while falling ideas into hair from hare above,

roaring cascabel matters and it starts to shake

when it rains everything sound like tingling,

sand and dusty cement cloud rattles everything,

but frantic umbrellas go around to protect,

something tries to unapollagetically be

a healing of fireflies and dirt from striped cat,

a heinus way of stay, but they protect.

Sombrillas paraguas umbrellas shadow keepers

let me go from all af the above with a whisper song

I Feel You – 5th hour poem

edited version:

I Feel You


This biting wind comes too soon.

It feels brittle under this sandy canopy.

Though apart, we share

the same night sky.

Can you see what my eyes behold?

Are there stars shining to brighten you,

with dreams of what is to come?

Or is your night too dark, too deep

with pain? Are you longing,

for loved ones to come and lift

you from your couch?

I long to wrap you in love, so sweet

all else feels like a distant memory.

Do not despair.

Weep, if you must.

You are never far from my thoughts.

I am missing the beauty of your song,

your stories, your laughter.

Oh, precious one, remember how,

even at this distance, I feel you

in the uniqueness of

Love’s heart. I sense it

when there is joy. I feel it

when your bones hurt.

I rejoice when your spirit is light.

Listen, close, to hear the

God, who loves us both.

Yes, the world has placed

cruel chains on all of us.

What comfort knowing freedom

those chains cannot hold.


All You Can Do

All you can do is make tomorrow a bit brighter than yesterday. That is what I say, to take the pain away and let it drift away. Drifting down like water to a water drain. And I hope one day people will use their hearts and their brains and we can wipe out the negative stain from history.

Aqua Post 5

Nowhere to run,

No escape ladder.

Sit and lay awake all night,

But I got a job to do,

Know I will survive,

I must survive,

in this world of unnecessary pain.

I won’t let go now,

I can’t give up.

Recipe for a New Job

  1. Knowledge
  2. Self-Confidence
  3. Effort
  4. Compassion
  5. Patience

Gather the appropriate skill set, and begin with the knowledge that you are good at what you want to do. In fact, you are perfect for someone out there in your world. Each morning, wake knowing someone needs your talent, your intellect, your creativity, your compassion, your intuition, your services, your product, and your contribution to humanity. Someone needs you, and they need you now!

When knowledge of you is solid, by daily repetition, self-confidence will bloom and bubble, like rising yeast bread. Now is the time to make an effort. Get to know people. Make phone calls. Get on the internet. You now have the knowledge that what you do is good, and the self-confidence that accompanies that knowledge, but other people are not yet aware. You are a hidden gem, so get out into the sun, and shine!

This is the time to incorporate that vague understanding of simply being human – most refer to this as compassion. There are people in the world who are still at step 1: knowledge. They are not secure in their understanding that someone needs them, so let them know it. A rising tide lifts all boats. Be part of that rising tide. People will need you even when they don’t know it. And so will you need them.

Finally, be patient. Think of it as making bread from natural yeast. It may take a bit of time for you and your perfect job to find one another. Repeat steps 1 through 4 as needed along with step 5, and enjoy.

Upper Basin

The details are lost entangled
in places of granite and
water so vivid then

We four receded from being a group and
stretched along the trail after descending
from the high altitude pass

Perhaps, it was calorie depletion
or oxygen depletion or
too many Ovid stories

Call it ecstasy, euphoria,
elation, or what not
I belonged at that moment
to that moment

My neurons can still summon up the glow.

Get Lost inside

When things are tough

And you’ve just had enough.

When you bored out of your mind.

Or even when you just have spare time.


Lose yourself in a book.

And I promise you’ll be hooked.

It becomes a drug that puts your mind at ease.

It’s helps you relax and gives you a sense of peace.


Escape reality

And get lost in a fantasy.

All the words that you have read

Comes to life inside of your head.


There are so many different worlds to see

Where you can be any person that you want to be.

Experience things you have never before

That will leave you wanting more and more.


After all, what more can you ask for

Than a book that will open the door

To places you have never been.

And things you have never seen.

Poem #5

Under the Stars

sky wide open
stars up above
the blue-white wonder
of God’s awesome love
the sway of the river
as fish swim all around
the glory of earth and water abound
the touch of your hand
the glow on your face
this is the true gift
of God’s pure grace

I use to worship
The ground you walk on

But now,
I’ve mov’d to a new location

You use to be my cup of tea,…

But now,

I take champagne

I use to be your robot,

But now Am everything you can’t control

You use to be,

all my heart ever talks about

But now,

It hardly remembers your love

We use to have a full cup of tea

But look,

Its empty

I use to think you took my breath away

But I realize,

I was just suffocated by all your fake love

I use to do anything you ordered

But now,

I’m sorry!

I don’t take orders

I hardly take suggestions

You remind me of a penny

worthless, two-faced

And inside everyone’s pant.

Feeding Cats — Hour 5

They gather after midnight

just beyond the fence line

my tongue clicking as loud as can be

is the signal

They try to be patient

but are hungry and they squabble

momentarily as I divvy dry food

and canned onto paper dish and

heart-shaped leaves picked for the occasion

I spread what banquet there is before them

In the dark I hear the crunching noises

the small grunts of satisfaction

the quiet scraping of paper plate against pavement

I do what I can for my friends

I lean my bare arms against the gate

white painted metal cool to skin

surrender some of my weight to it

and take in the dark sky

This is all I need

this ritual this mystery

this communion

To someone we are unwanted


we are cats

refugees all