Prompt 5: The Midnight Sea

A thousand stars light the way

A thousand ways to confuse the mind

Which path to take

Which light to follow?

Silence deafens us

Except for the punctuation of the oar.

The open sea

The vast night sky

Seek to swallow us whole.

We sail out to find the answers —

The answers that are hidden deep within.

A thousand stars light the way

A thousand ways to confuse the mind

Which path to take

Which light to follow?

The one that shines the brightest.

Hour 5 – Defeated

Why do the snakes
Keep creeping in my rooms
Every rain, every monsoon?
And why do I have to spend my life
Sealing the gaps I did not make?

Why does that window simply not fit
Back into its own frame any more?
Just – someone had broken it off?!
And it refuses to protect me any more?

Why does that wall still keep
Getting damp, year after year?
Still get me cold, still get me shivers
Every time I touch it?

Why does the sunshine burn
Everytime? I just want to feel the warmth.
Why does the snow bite
Everytime? I just want to feel the white.

Don’t let the past define you.

So why does the past
Keep redefining itself
Over and over?

How many mirrors should I cover?
How many windows do I close?
How many stabs? How long it takes?
How many doors and how many snakes?
How many times and how many hours?
How many faces and how many failures?

Yes, She Says (Poem 4)

Yes, she says

When I saw her across the room

Yes, she says

As we met where the flowers bloom

Yes, she says

When I put the rose in her hair

Yes, she says

As I touched her with tender care

Yes, she says

When I drew her near

Yes, she says

As she trembles without fear

Yes, she says

Yes, she says

Yes, she says

As we kiss..

Yes, she says

When she says nothing at all.

#1 Sloppy Eaters

Woodpeckers, Jays, squawky Grackles emptying feeders

The Crows wait on the ground for theirs

Never a cute little Bluebird, a Yellow Finch

Always the loud insistent sloppy eaters


Bags of seed and slabs of suet disappear daily

Trips to the hardware store a weekly event

Needing a coupon each time to keep bellies full

The pleasure of nature becoming a mandate


Now Pigeons in the barn dirty feathers abound

A nightmare of bodily debris gathers

Swooping low to exit with indignant cries

As though their eviction would be illegal


A mother Robin manages to hatch her young

Risking trips for food while Pigeons complain

Perhaps another week until her babies can fly

To leave this hostile world and return to trees

4) Emotion

You’re emotional, he says.

It’s all in your head.

I’m a kind man,

caring, sometimes

even love you.

But that 80 proof

and 100 proof helps

me cope,

you know.

Me da was that way.

And sure my family understands.

It’s how we all cope.

Been doing so for generations.


But she?

She’d love to tell him, explain.

She’s emotionally dying,

becoming brittle

where once was voluptuous.

Sour where once was wild sweet honey.

Calloused, blistered and broken

where once was cream, smooth and warm.


She is selfish, if she leaves.

There’ll be nothing for her.

It’s how Ireland treats its women,

its mothers, its wives.


Men in starched white shirts,

black form fitting suits,

with their leather suitcases

and curled pointed shoes

tap out commands, directions,


You’re emotional, they say.

But she?

She’d love to tell him, explain.

She’s emotionally dying.

She is emotionally dying.



Dear Berthe,

I wish you could have seen the new show. Yours!  The first of note since the 1940s.  At least four long rooms – a connected suite.  One side of a vast floor of the Musée d’Orsay. You know, the railway station turned into museum (you would appreciate that they left the station’s big old ironwork clock)..

All the galleries were crowded even though Thursday was a perfect July day. And gloriously sunny.  The trains and Metro were running again, so you could have easily ridden into town from your summer place in Bougival.  (I bet you would have applauded the striking workers last week.)  Even the signage was brilliant.  Not pretentious. Not patronizing. And translated into English for those who don’t know French.  (Though, of course, we both know something is always lost in translation.)  They even remembered how Degas called you the most experimental of your friends.

I wish you could have seen everyone craning, lingering. And not just adults, but children like yours.

I wish you could have joined me.

Hour 3 – For Love’s Sake

Hour 4 – Bop poem

For Love’s sake


this echoing heart reaches into spaces

where pain layers over so many pieces

like fine dust in china cabinets

we thought would protect our treasures

from wear, weather, and weak fingers

prone to drop the most fragile creations.

I cannot be otherwise for love’s sake.


echoes of love into spaces reaching out

while simultaneously slapping away healing hands

find their way into my world, too

when I feel most unworthy,

most empty,

most filled with fine dust of doubt

layering me in pain

and the longing to be whole.

I cannot be otherwise for love’s sake.


the blessing in echoes are in the returning –

those second and third chances

to be better,

to accept rather than swat away the love

freely given from places I least expected

to bring healing to this grateful heart.

I cannot be otherwise for love’s sake.

© r. l. elke

Hour 4: Epistolary poem

Dear Mom,

You would have liked to know

that your old home

has an activist living in it,

shown by a sign promoting change

that you helped start

but did not have the time to finish.

More than 20 years have passed now,

and the trees around your home

have grown into a forest.


For Shania Rey; Whom I miss so much.


Going to prom
Pickin’ out colleges
Walking across the stage
You didn’t do these

This should have been your
day too.
the day to celebrate
the beginning of your life
like so many before you

We were supposed to watch you
grow up

we didn’t get to watch you live
we didn’t get to do everything we
were supposed to do with you

you died.

Instead we celebrate others
in the same position
excited for the start of their lives
watching them grow and learn
it makes me hurt just a

I’m happy for them
don’t get me wrong
it just hurts a little

A little all the time