#2 Covered

The Lone Ranger

wore a mask

to cover his eyes

shelter his identity


Inevitably he would holler

Hi-Yo, Silver! Away!

Which no doubt caused

folks to notice


Bank robbers wear masks

to conceal their faces

though the guns quickly

indicate who they are


Trick or Treaters hide

behind chosen costumes

threatening at your door

for free sweet bounty


The Klan wore white hoods

announcing their intention

conveying fear and danger

to this day it still works


At the grocery store

unable to enjoy breathing

I wear a mask as it is

a matter of life and death

Hour 5: Prompt 5: Serenity


like the cat 

who finally decides to stop chasing the prey;

the dog

who finally uncovers his lost bone

only to realize he saved it for this special day;

the turtle

who stops swimming

to enjoy the crashing sounds

of the emotions held within the sea-

the peaceful water he craves

finally learning;

Serenity is within-

a never ending companion 

that just longs to be chosen.

hour 5 Poem 5

Travel through my layers to get to my heart 
It is there waiting for the right person to peel away my bark 
wishing I could reveal my soul as so many easily do 
but alas my layers protect what is left to be true

Twist & Shout

I’m okay with it, at least that’s the story

i’m committed to writing. i’ve made peace with whatever is to become of me, of us, of the entire planet.

that’s why you won’t see me twist or hear me shout, at least

not in the context in which i used to.

because i’ve had my fill of twists. at this point, i’ve done it more than all the pretzels in the world combined. and i’ve shouted more times than

can be recorded in human history. and you know where it’s gotten me? absolutely

nowhere. your car is still on fire and the extinguisher is nowhere to be found. the quicksand continues to pull you

down and there are no branches in sight.

you’re buried alive and all shovels have ceased to exist.

good thing you come with a handle

Prompt #2- Recipe for Fear


One disabled car

1 cup dark stormy night

1 cup deserted road

1 dozen extra large unknown sounds

Mix well with at least 1 cup raw fear.

Let sit for sixty minutes. Bake 12 – 14 minutes or until fear rises to the top.





Collection of bones and sinew

Star stuff and muscle memory

Billions of breaths forgotten

Heaved and sighed without witness

As my twin lungs carry me

Some etch on the panes of memory

Leave the silvered shadow of their image

For sunlight to decipher and time’s haze to trace

The sigh of baby’s sister’s downy scent

The lost scream of brother’s loss

The warmth of love’s first shared inhale

The ocean’s welcome on breezes before sight

The stillness of silence in woods growing dark

The attention paid as this poem is born

Inspiration woven in words

Expiration sets it sail into the world


The High Blue Sea (Sonnet 15)

Now sailing on a white sea above thou

Knowing I can only be farther still

As I look to see what is not there now,

I wonder how long ‘til life my sight fill.

Giver of life in one form do I rest,

And here rest souls with end of life do hold.

To thou, I say, as in thy grounded nest:

I wish thou art here in this place of gold,

So this amazement I feel thou will feel

And then no longer will ye be away.

Oh please, be here, so my heart can be sealed

From the search of thee that caused me such fray.

But when I return to the high blue sea

I know I shall be on my way to thee.

1:00 PM Poem

Elizabeth Wingert



And the Gardener Likes to Drink Tea

And the Gardener Likes to Drink Tea

Eves come no longer to pick up
Sweetness of flowers and fruits
Fondness of streams and dreams
Scent of forest is long gone
Maddening patches of soil in turmoil
Homes and domes are razed

And the gardener likes to drink tea

Rabit and tortoise stopped racing
Jokes enlive Elephant and ant
Peacocks have no plumes to gift
As ladders replace snakes in pits
Head bows to new concrete god
Smoked out lungs crying insane
Run for currency surpasses all
Selfish minds corroding the earth

And the gardener likes to drink tea

Wood will revive the dense
Water will wash the roots
Wind will gather the souls
Let’s own a forest like we own a car
Flowers will bloom again
Eves will return home

And the gardener likes to drink tea


Hour 3


A recipe for self-love

  1. Music 
  2. Laughter
  3. Dog or cat
  4. Favorite shoes
  5. Loved ones


  • Prior to assembling your ingredients, locate your bathroom scale and full length mirror. Take your sledgehammer and go to town. Do not rest until they are no longer recognizable. They are not accurate measures of your self-worth. 
  • Music. Next, turn on your favorite song. Dance! Dance naked if you must. Feel the joy that is inside of you. Celebrate your body as it moves in time with the music. This body has been there for you in spite of the neglect it has suffered. Thank it for never abandoning you, for helping you to move through life.
  • Add laughter. Watch a movie, talk to your funniest friends. Get that belly laugh going. Laugh until you cry.
  • Put on your favorite shoes. The shoes that put a pep in your step. The shoes that still fit regardless of the freshman 15 or the Covid-19. You know the ones.
  • Spend time with your cat or your dog. They think you are the best human ever and so should you! Feel how it feels to receive that unconditional love. It feels good, right?
  • Surround yourself with your loved ones. They see you the way that you should see yourself. You are a beautiful mother, wife, daughter, friend. 

On some days, you may add the ingredients in a different order or not even all of them. You may change the amounts and that’s ok. After the initial preparation, focus on what makes you feel good. Consider this the test kitchen. Over time, you’ll find the best combination for you.


Not enough
Too much

A journey of delight my hands traverse
Plains and valleys
Curves and edges

A shame spiral
Button strained
Breathe in denial
Till I spill out

Im sorry

I should never have tried to make you fit
Its just that they told me
That you were unfit
Any bigger and they would have never even noticed you

They just didnt know
That you have never needed to fit
That your nature may be water
But you have never conformed to a container

If you must be contained then let it be in clothe made for you
Custom to your dimensions

My body
I have told you that you are

Not enough
Too much

I was wrong

I am sorry

You have been many things
and will be many more