Loud noises

Friendliness has sown in me the decrypt notion

That life figures itself, without hastle.

It is to logic that we must prey

Try to keep our noses clean

Our heads swaying in the heat.

Forbear the wonderful day, keep going till the end of night.

Withstand the rain, and not lay down your soul in the desert.

And most of all forgive yourself the quiet indiscretions, that keep you awake at night.

Shopping Day II

The  24 poem “International Gourmet Feast”

Shopping Day II


Allspice for the prunes

I know that sounds strange

with lots of Vodkoi

for no one to make strange


The avocados top off a salad

of Greek fame and fortune

with a Greek Art Merlot

artfully blended red wine, of which we are so fortune (ate)


Fresh turnip and portobello magic

for a rustic Irish stew

so easy I fear it

causing me a stew


the desert is Hawaiian

Chocolate Haupia Pie

with shreds of coconut

fit for a sweetie-pie


that pretty well does it

now I must check the wine-matches

and my draw of candles

and long-stick matches


DeaBeePea  6-27-20




Recipe for Duq de la Fascism /hr2

Recipe For Disaster

1. Put children and their well being at the bottom

of priorities rather than the top.

2. Actively create programs that actually make children

suffer harm in one way or another in mass numbers

all over the world.

3. Do not have a viable operational way of keeping close

watch on your leaders at all times, in all things.

Exist in oblivion as to what they are and are not

doing -in your name, no less.

4. Be a leader, or have a leader who does not understand that

the reportage of their activities serves to benefit them as well,

because it will stop them from being able to indulge their

most catastrophic of impulses, which means they live ,

because they weren’t allowed to kill us all, their whole

term is a big fantastic terrific success and they are every

bodys favorite. We all go on to finally do that persuit of

happiness thing.

5. Invest in death rather than in life. You will only get a return

on what you have invested in.

#3 Privilege

You won’t see me in those streets
among faces of grief, theirs, not mine
because my fear wants to quietly weep.

Every shot and shout falls like a beat
I’m learning behind closed doors, in time.
You won’t see me in those streets

to march shoulder to shoulder, feet to feet
asking questions, seeking to find
because my fear wants to quietly weep

in private sorrow, my heart, my heat
comfortable here, resting in rhyme.
You won’t see me in those streets.

I write the song that prays for new belief,
hoping for answers and a loving bind
because my fear wants to quietly weep.

I sing the terror; I shudder in our need,
crying for millions, our collective lives,
but you won’t see me in those streets
because my fear wants to quietly weep.


Under this paper is a spine

under this paper is

a gift

under this paper is sanitized for your protection

under this hello is why

under the rule of virus

skeletons rejoice

Joints make themselves heard

Knuckles swell

listen for the space they are about to take up.


Every time we chance to meet,
you look familiar, nothing new –
that plain, unremarkable face,

so I need to look in the mirror
to make sure all is still on track,
that no eyebrow has strayed,

eyebags dangling from my elbow,
knees ironed and folded,
the neck baked, waiting for lace,

hands kneading the morning,
all past sleepless lives forgiven.
Let me at least offer you tea.

Hour 3 – the pretty poet girl

Whoa.. You’re beautiful!
But I am not. My hair is curly
And all twisted and black –
And my soul – a little bit more.

No. I am perhaps not
The pretty poet girl.
My neck ain’t draped in pearl.
Caress me in your words,
And I will drape mine
All around your soul.
I may not have
That pretty poet’s ass.
But there’s no way –
I won’t caress you in my sass.

Hour 2 — Recipe for a Lover

Beth A. Fleisher

Hour 2


Prompt: Create a Recipe not related to food on any topic. List 5 ingredients. One must be an emotion. The first item is the star attraction, mix it throughout. Add 2-4. Sparingly use 5. 10 minute timed write.


Recipe for a Lover


  1. Laughter
  2. Interruption
  3. Attitude
  4. Recovery
  5. Broken bed


A perfect lover, who can find?

Is he a figment of my mind?

I’ll make my own and you will see

this lover’s perfect, just for me.


First ingredient, Lots of Laughter,

that’s the heart song I am after.

No matter what the night may bring,

the laughing heart can always sing.


Interruptions, yes they come,

sometimes many, sometimes one,

reaction to them makes the mood,

so add in an accepting attitude.


When in the throes, the bed frame breaks,

how long does the recovery take?

A laughing heart is quick to smile,

and strongly goes the extra mile.


Property value

There’s a collective mind-shifting,
like my two feet impatiently
standing in line at the bank.

Now we take baby’s first steps
of thinking of ourselves
as a race, as something other than:


As children we played with blocks,
practiced building houses
and occupying them.

Now our defenses are knocked down,
but we gather the blocks back,
trying to return to the house
we were building

on the backs of people we won’t see.