being my lover

after a lifetime of wearing

the clichéd compliments I tore to tatty clothes

and lying awake over the taxes

you paid for trying to love me

and hiding under the bed

each cent of your evaporated dignity


I will suddenly believe

and start collecting mists and rain

to shower down on your shoulders strained

and water each thirsty furrow around your eyes

till they flower into withering relief


2 people 3 eggs 4 pieces of toast

2 glasses 2 juices 1 coffee I hope

3 bowls of Iams 2 waters for folks


to wake up and smell injustice

to wake up and wipe it clean

to wake up to change tomorrow

and lose your fragility

Everyone Needs an Alice

Alice has seven sons,

but six are actually hers.

I just include myself,

seeing that I am the one

she calls whenever she needs

something “important” done.

Number 1 in her heart;

number 1 on her speed dial.

Master of nothing, I’m a jack of all trades.

“Just Google it and get me a hammer.”

Doctor, gardener, poet, psychologist,

pool boy, chauffeur, secretary, chef,

friend, personal trainer, greeter, host,

beach buddy, delivery man, lifeguard.

The list goes on

like a rollercoaster without an end.

We often finish each other’s sentences,

and we accept the never-ending salad bowl at

Olive Garden as a challenge.

She loves Shakespeare, lasagna, and

“It’s to die for,”

is uttered after almost every desert.

I hope I have her energy when I hit 80.

Just talking with her can make me exhausted.

Everyone needs an Alice,

because she makes life go on

with laughter and love.

How Beautiful You Are

How beautiful you are
If only you could see
This yellow picture
This sweet pure portrait hung on my mind
Which I took of you
Of you in your yellow dress and scarf
And the sunset setting
On your sweet yellow smile…

Goddess From Heaven

ii.Oh Dear May

Oh Dear May, let me take with you.

Oh dear Lavaana, why should I?

Oh Dear May, I want to reap the harvest

Oh Dear Lavaana, that’ll be hard for soft hand of thy.

Oh Dear May, I need to be with the rest.

Oh Dear Lavaana, That’s unlikely a princess’s deeds.

Oh Dear May, It’s an order from the princess.

Your Majesty, as you wish.




Recipe for recovery – hour 2, prompt 2

The recipe for recovery

is to first, please admit

that your world is simply shit

life is a shambles

with its choking vines and brambles

and powerless you are

can’t do food sanely anymore.

Second, you need a gallon of faith

belief in a higher power

or something, anything

that gets you through the hour

a shoulder to lean on

a helpful book to make you strong.

Third, a sprinkle of trust

turn life over, you must

into God’s loving care

he’ll have lots

of help to spare.

And fourth, most importantly

write down all that ails thee

every little bitty sin

to wipe your old slate

clean again

to heal those things

that once had you pinned.

Fifth, a smidge of confidentially

take it all and give it away

admit each wrong before the nighty

to yourself, a friend and almighty

and life will soon be quite alrighty.

Ingredients six through twelve, see

be entirely and fully ready

a pinch of humility

admitting harm to others quickly

log continuing inventory

meditate, and pray daily

and share this blessing

so others be free.

– Sandra Johnson



Forcing something futile

Thin foil falls flanel, fostering faster from feast

freeze fury after framing it with focus fist,

far East away, furthest idea falling fringe,

Fiercely for fantasy feathered on fan,

finally some good news fintech from flashing

false advance related to trust fullfill faster.

Felling familiar first, if I fail this with silver

everything false from it, perhaps floating

efs fest same in advance by Pharr


Recipe for “Home Alone, On Your Own!”

Ingredients :

Preparation Time :
From feeling hopeless to becoming resourceful

Cook Time :
From a frown till a smile

Total Time :

Servings :

Level Of Cooking :
High Priority

Author :

Course :
Spending Time – Self Quarantine

Cuisine :
Lessons Of Life

Method :

Step 1 –
Prick your heart and fill it full with hope, and deep fry till it turns golden.

Step 2 –
Drain and remove all the pessimism. Heat your emotions in a non-tear pan, add smiles, friends and family paste, dreams, plans, activities, love, and laughter. Saute till the fragrance of optimism comes fresh and strong.

Step 3 –
Add chopped games, sing and dance paste, and little art. Mix well and allow the mixture to sink in your heart. Add books, knowledge, and goals. Additionally, add a pinch of patience. Toss well add ½ cup focus and plenty of gratitude. Cook till the feeling thickens.

Step 4 –
Garnish with focus. Serve hot.

The Revolt Poet – Sonnet 1945.

Shall I compare thee to a nuclear bomb?
Atomic explosion, within your smile,
But no pink glow, just “Boom!” and then it’s gone,
The effect outlasts You by a long while.
Destroyed by heat, 10 million tonnes TNT,
Contained in your kisses, e’en through the phone,
Indiscriminately violent, your love for me.
Though my health improved, I’m still vomiting
Pools of blood, soak the floor, begin to seep,
Cast permanent stains on me, positing
Questions about my presence – I can’t sleep.

On the horizon, the glow, miles away,
Meaning one thing – you are “in love” again.

Nursing Home — Hour 2

That night after the commotion

I found my moon imprisoned

behind a chin-link fence

thanks to neighbors

who had money for such things

from my bed confined

That one window my only

the moon my recurring


my visitor in the dark

if clouds showed mercy

so immediate

so full of sensibles

of my youth

Granted the view was

imperfect already

through salted pane

corroded screen

and eyeglass smudges

(when I bothered the fumbling)


this shiny new fence

mocked my simple need

adding a new layer between

me and her face

the one I remembered tucked

under a warm coat on a chill evening

in the autumn behind the dorm

back when autumn held
