2020 – 1

Taking your voice
And giving it – but not away
To others
Who are less fortunate
And can’t afford
To have their own

Yours will be heard
Will echo – far
Carrying their lives
That some of them
Live not by choice

Never more

The early morning fog
was like thin milk hanging over the cliffs
And the cold air
filled my lungs
like breathing
through a cloud.

I always liked the early morrning
like a gift
the world was giving
for the early birds

But that morning,
the quiet was interrupted by
the sound of deep breathing behind me
which awakened all every muscles in my body
and my skin tingled like it could hear

Fight or flight?
fight or flight?

I ran faster away from the sound
but saw the dark figure emerging from the fog
a creature so large
its breath filled my fear
with each breath.

Its beak looked large enough
to peck my eyes out
and though it was bigger than any bird
I’d ever seen in my life
we both stared at each other in relief

“Nevermore, Mr. Poe,”
I said
as I tipped my imaginary hat at him.

He just looked at me and laughed.


The 1st Hour

My eyes are still groggy looking

And my head is promising that today is probably gonna be a foggy one.

Ooh, the joys of post traumatic head injury migraine.

I had a perfect plan and good intentions aplenty…

For a great night’s rest and a day filled with inspirational witty(ness)

I had delusions of writing perfect little diddies

Or entertaining folks with tales of the sweat from underneath my titties.

But all that will have to wait til I can properly communicate with my brain.

I guess it don’t help much that I’ve been wake and starin at the clock since just before it turned 4-

But that fault lies at the feet of my lover-

For twas he that busted in the door at such a wee hour,

Promptly fell into bed and began to snore…

Leaving me wide awake with the book o Faces to keep me company.

I wander if that’s enough for some kind of plea

Cause as I watch him sleep, I’ve nothing but murderous thoughts for he…

Then again, orange or black or grey or blue or khaki

Has never looked good on me from inside a prison

Not to say I’ve ever spent nights within them walls

But eventually all giants fall, right?

Wait. Let me assure you I’m no conceited uptight little gal,

So before this goes any more astray-

Allow me to wish everyone a very merry happy Poetry Day!

I will see you at the finish line, indeed, I shall.


She is mad at me;
even together we are apart.

I am three and screaming
I am seven and terrified
I am thirteen and suicidal
I am sixteen and at my breaking point
I am twenty two and an alcoholic
I am twenty five and getting my shit together.

I am twenty nine and sober.
I am a deer in headlights.

She is six inches away but we do not speak.

She is terrified I won’t return because that is the mantra

We run until our shoes fall off.

Cold Southern gasoline.

I’m throwing fuel on the fire.

Seeds of Power

She was there to smash through a dismal wall
A soul determined to push through it all
When the vice of despair reached everywhere
She threw me a lifeline out of a nightmare
A positive attitude to soothe the fearsome beast
A joyful spark to make the most out of least
But her devotion shined too, to help those in need
To share their heartache, the wounds that bleed
So together we’ll march determined into that vast gloom
Armed with mindful seeds of power to flower and bloom

Taking Leia to the Vet

She is skittish.

Frightened in the car, in her cage.

In her language, she cries out:

“Why are you torturing me?

What have I done to deserve this?

I give you only love, and what do I get in return?

An endless drive to see the witch doctor

who will probe my orifices with sharp weapons.”

And as I feel her terror, I call to her,

“Fear not, it will soon be over and you will be

safe and healthy again, my love!”


Hour 1 Prompt One Then and Now

She was there during my darkest days

when I was afraid of my own shadow,

I wouldn’t have left the basement

if she wasn’t a writer.

She gave me advice that I pinned to my mind.

She brought me with her on her walks.

She made me feel like I mattered,

like I could conquer my demons.

Her laugh brightens my days.

She says we can talk on the phone

as if we were still sitting next to each other.

She gave me her cat and said I was meant to have her.

She told me I’m not stupid and somehow knew it was exactly what I needed to hear.

She is strong,

been through so much

and she keeps pressing on.

She is like sunlight.

I’ve always looked up to her.

She has helped many people.

Sometimes reading my poetry to kids in her class

to inspire them.

She would also share my story and say if I could get through this,

YOU can do it, too.

I don’t know what I would do if I lost her.

Black Conversations

Black Conversations

To be clear I don’t want your sympathy or your empathy.

What I need is the life that was promised to me when my spirit was placed into my mother’s womb.

A life of discovery, patience, vitality with freedom to love hard, live light and laugh feverishly every single day.

Well why don’t you pray?

Praying for a promise that already lies within me.

Access to these things God already gave me the key.

If I pray will this prevent the cops from shooting me?

Will it prevent COVID from consuming my family?

Will it clear the vision for those who see only my brown skin as a sin?

Well you know we trying to do better, but this system is where it all begins.

So why don’t you pray I say?

Praying for my people to fail so yours can prevail.

Access to these things the plantations made sure your lineage secured a generational key.

If you pray would you trade places with me?

Will your prayer be to finally see me?

The invisible strike of your lashes from the whip you never held in your hands.

Well you know my scars are beginning to heal from the trauma of America’s land.

Define a fine

Diplomatic not dramatic
Says what she means
With decorum and grace
Coaches with compassion
Helps you save face
A runner that finishes the race.