Feel Better

Feeling better now that I checked up on it

I will feel better once I get updated on it

Feel better about yourself

When you feel nothing at all

And if you fall get back up

Feel better that you took that step

Feel better now that you made that decision

Feel better that you’re here

Because you are here for a reason

Feel better because you are special

There was no mistake in making you

I am working to feel better

And I hope you feel better too


Copyright © 2019 by Angelica Stevenson

All Rights Reserved

Tomorrow never dies

It lives on as an existential temptation, a veritable itch you dare not scratch.

The fear of the unknown permeates deeper than you’ll ever understand.

It offers nothing in the way of absolution; it just feeds on your own

insecurities and transgressions. Yet it offers a way out, a glittering

spark of hope for those who can see beyond their own self-doubt

and narrow scope of existence. It’s always in sight and yet it

remains unreachable through all its notoriety.

Worship what you can’t see and let me

know where that takes you. Ambivalence

will only get you so far.

Last Dance

Last dance (Let us go then, you and I; Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock by T.S. Eliot)

Let us go then, you and I,

Where slender legs meet the floor

And you teach me and I teach you

The dance that elves know

Among the chattering crowd

Who passes a hoot or two

The feast is laid before the guests

With two empty seats

Waiting for us since eternity

We can see but cannot touch

As our bodies are long gone

And only our spirits remain

Let us fulfill the one last wish

And dance…

Where no one will watch us further

Our spirits will melt into each other


Hour 20



(from The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, by T.S. Eliot)


Let us go then, you and I

when the evening is spread out against the sky,

let us listen to the symphony of frogs

and the rustling song of leaves upon the trees.

Let us revel in the starry Milky Way,

and kneel in dewy grass upon our knees.


Let our glad hearts rejoice at this sweet world,

at fragrant flowers, trailing vines, and touch

with reverent fingers the crimson roses, but not too much.


And let us sit and swing a little while

under the moon’s glad glowing light.

And when the evening starts to chill,

we’ll go inside,

and keep in our hearts

the treasure of this night.


Jetlagged Ramblings (Hour 16)

Chasing the sunrise,
Timelapse lost, hurled into the future,
Half a day away, spinning around
a turning world,
I’ve come to inherit dreams,
swelling mythology,
indulge in food and fantasy.

Adventure in every unknown minute,
in every glancing eye and stranger met
lies the happenstance of impossibility.
Encounters never meant to be,
connections laid bare,
vulnerable to exotic temptation,
I celebrate the strange parade
of exalting human indulgence.

Dear Dawn (2019 Poem 18)

Why have you arrived at this late hour
Did you hit the snooze on your alarm too many times
I’ve been working since you went to bed
We have much to do, nothing else need be said

I’ve finally realized I have the power
Now is the time to bring to life our vision board
We’ve wasted time on hopes and dreams
Turns out none of it was what it seems

Please Don’t Speak of Love

I should have been a pair of ragged claws
Scuttling across the floors of silent seas.
~ Love Song of Alfred Prufrock by TS Eliot
Please don’t speak of love
as isolated as can be.
How terribly lonely you sound to me!
Please don’t speak of love
endured and unrequited.
Please don’t speak of love
when the love song
has not been written.
Please don’t speak of love
with words carried across the sea.
Please don’t speak of love
until it is returned
to me.

Last Dance

We have until the night is over
and words waste our last breaths.
First love never lingers long
it succumbs to an early death.
This ballad marks the future
that has committed theft.
Lights circle the walls
reminding us of minutes left.
Pull your body close to mine
feel the harmonic motion.
Hand on my back, lean in and
give your final devotions.
We have shared bruises
beaten by the sandman’s hands.
Why I had to go I’ll spend forever
trying to understand.
We have until the night is over
to do so as we wish.
So with seconds left
I plant a kiss
as my parting gift.


Let go of what you’ve already lost.

Why is that so difficult for some of us?

I want to be mr. fahrenheit, invert the world and see it for what

it truly is. ecstasy won’t be your companion unless you let it.

I want to come alive but worry I’ll accidentally ignite the sky

and have no idea how to extinguish it. Perhaps that’s a

problem for another night.

A Prompt Struggle (H20)

I don’t wish to do what you ask
though I’m happy to do otherwise

I do not like to follow rules
even ones I make myself

Leave the door ajar and let me know I may enter
and long we’ll sit and talk or sit in silence – as you like.
But tell me to come in or ask to set a date
and surely I’ll be late if I come at all.

If you tell me what to write,
I won’t be able to write at all
If you invite me to explore,
I’ll run out of time before I run out of words.