Hour 10, Prompt 13: The Splintered Fir Mystery

By the light of a moonbeam
That peeked through the night fog
A hush grew over the concrete dock
I peered out my window
As I grabbed my coffee from the top shelf
When suddenly, I heard a gigantic crash
The ground shook and the fir tree in the yard splintered
“Damn!” I yelled “What caused that?”
I would have thought about an earthquake
So sudden and disastrous
But only the tree was touched
A lone canteen washed up beneath the deck from out of nowhere
My suspicions grew
I had to explore
I hopped on my untouched, unmoved jet ski and searched
But found nothing
To this day, I’ve no clue what caused the commotion
But, sometimes, by the moonbeam
That peeked through the night fog
When a hush grows over the concrete dock
I hear moans beneath the sea
A suspected shipwreck and the ghosts of sailors passed

I miss you

I say I miss you,
But I never even knew you
Where did you go?
Who are you supposed to be?

Are you kind
Are you fair
When you're sober,
Talking to me?

How could you leave
Before I even got the chance
How could you betray us all
Before I got the chance to know you?

You said you love me
But how can that be true
If all you do
Is drink your life away?

Retirement Rendezvous

Retirement Rendezvous

Each morning walking
through the concrete city streets
a misty fog forms
I breathe in deeply
so the damp wet aroma
fills up my body

Same each day, walk through
the city, city becomes
a country forest
Trees proliferate
with piney fir scented paths
leading to the dock

Almost to the end
of the walk through my Eden
the silent hush breaks
into birdsong and water
rushing to the forest end
forming a clear lake

I walk further down
to my secret sandy spot
hiding a rock shelf
holding my canteen
of sweet espresso coffee
sipping and thinking

Sun sets down, bats fly
moonbeams light my way homeward
to retirement…..
DAMN fine life

© Diane Morinich
All Rights Reserved

Hour 11: Post 11: The Prowl

Crawling through every inch of my soul

Digging your way into the life I use to call my own

Secretive yet bold, you come to me in the most convenient hours

When my guard is down and I am for a very short while, vulnerable

Yet you knew that….

And here you come

Prowling back, gazing at my every move

Only waiting for the moment to pounce

And destroy the only life I’ve ever known

Jottings on a Dockyard Evening

Smell the fog rise from the coffee
Swelling the rich, dockside air
Tell of the kindness of moonbeams
Spelling the dull concrete fair.

Rush now, the canteen is closing
Push to fit mugs on the shelf
Hush, let the cook leave in peace – she
Must, at long last, feed herself.


Form: Lento

Prompt: Write a poem that contains at least five of the following words and possibly all ten: Moonbeam, Coffee, Hush, Fog, Canteen, Damn, Concrete, Fir, Shelf, Dock

I got nearly all of them, just missed the full ten by one. Damn.


We meld well together,

We think much alike,

You are my wonderful husband,  and I your wife.

We have been together for years, it does not seem, that we have been together that long.

We are exactly where we belong.

To love someone they way I do you,  to smile when you walk in the room.

To be loved by you is the greatest gift,  if this is what I was put on earth to do.

Well that’s enough for me,  for beam with joy all for the love I have for you…

C. Burgess (c)


Moonlight Café – Hour 10

She sat in the café
Near the doors and looked outside
There it was, the moonlit bay
And with it the high tide.

In her hands she held her coffee
A single moonbeam hit her bread
she had ordered and a toffee
“Damn fog,” she said.

She got up and hit a shelf
After eating and books fell down.
She sighed and murmured “Today, I’m not myself.”
When the canteen lady came and helped without a frown.

Then, she got outside on the dock
Looked around, but all firs had vanished in the fog
Suddenly, she heard a concrete quiet knock
Hush! – And in the silence croaked a frog.

Sevenling (Love and Light)

Of this day’s indulgence,

These pine trees, pinot noir, and smoked leg of lamb,

I love the pines the best.

Of this day’s refulgence,

My children, all the world, and Old Uncle Sam,

I love my kids the best.

I am a typical mom!

I Want to Become

I want to become

The love of your life

The one who makes you see

That love can heal

Not hurt

The one who makes you believe

That love is real

Is true

The one that carries your heart

Like a precious jewel

I want to love you

Into life again.


Tacked my moonbeams on a shelf
What’s left still meandering at the dock
Shocked I was able to grasp those whimsical fantasies to put them on lock?
Despite the immensely dense fir trees and in light of ocean’s backlogged fog
Took a delicate pin, let the night sky shine in and welcomed the moonbeams of God.
Held them close together
Examined their mythical ways
Thought people couldn’t catch moonbeams?
That’s only true…during the day.
Their dreamy content so palpable
Their atmosphere quite concrete
When things hush you can even hear their enchanting chords and cyncopate their beats.
The pin is only temporary, and the shelf to keep them off the ground.
Let moonbeams in to help imagine
The territory they’ve already found.