
Unwind the chords that have bound you
My love
String them from your mouth
And tie them to your heart
To hear the sound resonate

The sound
Of your soul breaking free
The crash, swish, and clatter

Ringing against your ribs
Tearing from your lips
Howling into the world

The liberation of a voice
Finding itself in pain
Echoing in beauty

Feeling the muse
Her fingers light as they strum
The reverberating thrum
The ever-present rhythm
The lingering hum

Damn, it’s Christmas again!

Hush, an urban prophecy says the following:

when the first moonbeam will light the concrete

in the sacred evening of Christmas Eve,

everyone will have his own fir tree and will smile.


Stories for babies, put it back on the shelf!

Don’t disturb us with your lack of trust! To continue,

it will be fog at the docks, but all

will be on the cliff to praise the Lord!


And afterwards they’ll go home and drink

a boiling coffee in order to wait for Santa.

And the canteen will be full and even

poor fellows will feast and sing Hallelujah!

Hour 10 – Kindling

While everyone was sleeping

We sat by the June bonfire

Scaring off the darkness

And watched it play out

a scene of elephants marching

And a queen perched high

Wooing her loyal subjects


In the campground

So manicured we couldn’t even find

A stick for kindling

the fire died down

We crept away

Through a tunnel of fog and fir

Leaning into the night


The birds on the lake hushed as we passed

On the way to the dock

Where we sat kicking our feet in

Midnight water

Where you asked me what the lake said


You stopped walking

To pull down a moonbeam

To light my face


Lazy Water Poem

I’ve never met water that I didn’t love

A calm morning ocean

Pouring rain from above

We are three fourths water

But I think I may be more

I am always drawn to any shore

The smallest stream

Or the widest river

A mountain stream that sends shivers

From the freezing cold flow

I love a pool in the summer

And I love a good hot bath

I could be part fish

Or shark when I’m inclined

I can’t get enough of the waters of the world

Each beautiful and unique in their design



Hour 10

thank you everyone,
Who is in my life
it’s all by your grace
Life is beautiful
Even more so
For those
who live with
honor, glory ,
and deligence

they live majestically
they die gloriously
the road isn’t easy
One is tested
several storms
And they rise above

they live majestically
they die gloriously


white oak in redwood
stippled heart in mixed media
touch of realism
spot of whimsy
strong limbs reach out
from canvas, acrylic
branches with watercolor
leaves touch my face
I lean into the strong trunk
oil pastel stains
the nape of my neck
I become one
with the art of you

Hour 9

I Know This Much Is True


I am surrounded by lies and liars.


My social security number has not, in fact, been frozen,

and I cannot lose weight by giving up bananas.


The president will not help me buy a home.

The government responsible is exactly who you think it is,

and not the one on the news.


Don’t be tiresome! And don’t be greedy.


I can’t get sculpted abs or better orgasms

by the end of this week. There are no aliens here.


And if he doesn’t love me today, then this trick

will not bring him ’round to it. Believe me,

I tried.


We are not amused.


My soul is not at risk, nor my job or savings.

There is no “Agenda.”


I have heard the Good News, and honestly,

I have heard better. This God of theirs

holds too many bizzare opinions about my behavior.


Keep it to yourself, if you please.


I have seen enough, heard enough,

I know this much is true:


the arc of the crows’ flight as they wing toward their roost

calling to each other as the sun sets: “come home, come home”

is the geometry of Diogenes’s lantern.


There is no such honesty in Man.

10 – dawn

I watch the night, the last concrete piling aging like a book shelf, telling fisherman’s tales

the fog settling in my bones, I love tis hour, the hush hour, before the world wakes,

though it is damn cold and a warm coffee from the last canteen standing, the

moonbeam its lettering tattered fading from sight, rouses my mind,

the ships rock in their slumber dreaming of the dock, piles of metal rods and

fir trees wait to journey to foreign lands.

Hour 10: Selkie


He stole my skin, my face

Don’t romanticize my situation

He has my soul

On a shelf

In a dry corner of the house


Let me go back to the sea’s hush

To the cool blanket of fog

Under a dock

At dawn


He swears his love is


But I am damn raw

On a moonbeam clock

I count the nights until

I kill him for the key


The dock at the lake
home of grandparents
was my summer hangout

Monument of sturdy

fir one-by-four planks
nailed to two-by-four
stud framing
with number eight nails
anchored on
galvanized steel pipes

fifty-feet from my
bedroom window it would
hide in morning fog

refract moonbeams on
cloudless nights
lull me to sleep

clapped by gentle waves
in harmony with
deepening hush of
the Northwoods on a
summer’s night

painted blueish-gray
sometimes at dusk it would
dissolve into the water
just as it all dissolved
into me


– Mark L. Lucker
© 2019