
2, 4, 6, 8
We were the team they would always appreciate
Facing our team meant an automatic win
Then we were forced to shake hands and smile no matter how bad it had been
Our team sitting at dead last
Getting destroyed game after game was such a freaking blast
Our team barely getting a run
Everything would change when our coach said just go have fun

Our team heard those magical words
Inside our baseball hearts there was powerful surge
Game after game we became a different team
Please nobody wake me up from this dream
Hit after hit, score after score
The team the opponents faced earlier in the season doesnt exist anymore.
Even got kicked out of a game
The catcher I ran over and the ump shared their last name

From dead last to 2nd by the end of the season
Coach’s magical speech was the reason
At the end of the month the playoffs will begin
Proofing to the rest of the teams that we have the fire inside to win
Game after game behind the plate
Watching our team evolve from nothing to great
This is what happens when your feet score run after run.
I will never forget when baseball was that fun

So much

There’s just so much that I…

but I can’t

because you’re with yours

and I’m with mine

but oh the stories we could write

with sex and sweat on my ruffled bed sheets

And leave them dripping with inspiration that I could carry with me always

Unattainable we are

but on this page we are tangled, splattered

in words and wet ink


There’s nothing out here in the fog of war.

The sloshing of water in the canteen dissipates to nothing. All sounds here are hushed.

I can remember moonbeams shining across the concrete dock. I can remember…

But memories also fade to oblivion.

There was a woman. I can remember…

But now all is quiet and I am alone.


Nobody does it better (the spy who loved me)

She’s always there for me. I just couldn’t see it sometimes.

Whatever the mission entailed, she fully embraced all the ramifications that accompanied it.

We inverted the world and proved that mortality is only an abstract myth that seeks to hinder you.

It’s why I look forward to the day she returns. I know it can’t be the way it was but I’m ready for whatever comes next.

Maybe it won’t click back into place immediately but don’t expect us to submit to the laws of nature

on anyone’s account. A dynamic duo the likes of which the universe has yet to experience.

The porch light will shine for us upon our effervescent and triumphant return.

Damn, concrete dock!

It was a stormy, fog-filled night
The sudden hush outside
Gave me a fright.
I grabbed my coffee cup from the shelf
When the wind blew so hard
I peed myself!
The canteen closed early as the fir tree got surley
On my way home
I felt quite alone.
When a light from the moonbeam
Gave me hope it did seem.
I crossed over the river at eleven o’clock, tripped on the lip
Of the concrete dock.


closing my eyes

i dream back to the time

when stories made a part of my life

told by my grandma

before turning in for the night

now all there’s left

is the glaring silence of night

not the best lullaby

if you ask me.

A Queen for a King (hour 10)

In the darkness of the Underworld,
a faded hush fills the lungs of every soul.
Moonbeams light the way
for a little goddess to tiptoe alongside
purple Water Lilies and peachy pink Lotuses.

Persephone wrists and the curve of her neck
share the same pale hue as her inner thighs.

The Lord of the Dead watches her,
his daring little goddess, and
his concrete self control weakens again.
He might be damned to live without her.

On a shelf, in an office, deep in Tarturus,
Hades’ soul waits, a lone jellyfish,
barbed with stingers of loneliness and hate.

His pink little goddess of Spring could smell
his soul, like ripe plums and honeysuckle in
an August heat. Her teeth nibble on her bottom lip.

On tiptoes once more, she reaches for his soul.
She feels its’ fog of uncertainty. To be alone for so long.
To have waited for so long.
“But, I’m here now,” she whispers to
the inky blackness enclosed in hard glass.

Hades’ opens his arms upon her return,
she can’t help but leap into them.
Guiltily she shows him the jar-
together they mend the God of the Underworld.
“I was waiting for you too, you know?” she sighs into his lips.

Together they make a King and Queen.



A Place To Breathe, Hour 10

Sip coffee

Early morning breeze rippling through fir trees

Scent of evergreen wafting through lifting fog
Fresh cut logs piled high aside cabin wall

A lakeside view Thoreau would envy
Sip again from steaming mug,
Watching last moonbeams fade into pink sunrise
Birdsong punctuating the pre-dawn hush

It’s not much
But then again, what do we really need?
A roof over our heads, food to eat,
Perhaps a book or two to read?

Nothing more satisfying than simplicity
Watching sun pour across the horizon,
Birdsong crescendos to a cacophony

The concrete jungle long forgotten,
Modern luxuries of civilization suffocating

Just let me breathe




From the tips of her extremities

She spun her web of lies

Delicately interwoven

With many lows and highs.


She lured them in so easily

With her stunning looks and charm

The lonely, sad and gullible

Unprepared to face her harm.


She took from them their dignity

Their bank accounts and more

She never dreamed there’d come a day

Someone would tie the score.


Befriended by another who

Was on to Charlotte’s game

She eased right into Charlotte’s world

Her intentions were the same.


To take from Charlotte all the things

She had swindled from her pray

And leave Charlotte empty handed

Not knowing what to say.


Charlotte realized she’d met her match

From a chick as smart as she

Which made the sting a little less

She was set to let it be.


But that web we call the internet

Can deceive all in its wake

Seems that Charlotte lost it all

To the ones she had foresaked.


Try keeping your intentions pure

When on the world wide web

And when you find Charlottes and the like

Then swat those spiders dead!


Warning Song

When the storm rolls in,
don’t forget to breathe.
Look straight up, dark clouds
above you, and blink in the drops.
It’s okay to open your mouth.
When you are tired, rest.
When you are hungry, eat.
When you are cold, you may
go inside. Close the blinds
and draw the curtains.
Do not open them.
Do not open them.
You may light a single candle
or use a single flashlight.
No more than this.
Stay awake until the rumbling stops.
Don’t forget to breathe.