Youthful Days

I am strolling down a country road
With good friends by my side.
Knapsack in hand, we are going down
For camping, a feeling full of pride.
The days of summer are waning,
But we still have lots of time
To wade into the rushing rivers
To not would be a crime.
Simple silence surrounds us
To talk would break the spell
Of our youthful togetherness
The tales we cannot wait to tell.
No adults surround us now
To clutter up our plans
We simply walk the country road
Swinging our unclenched hands.
The thoughts that race through our youthful minds
Are full of adventure and glory
We turn off the country road
To start the next part of our story.
We find a shaded glade of trees
Next to a dappled stream
We set up camp in which we will
Begin to live our dream.
The talk begins to sprinkle amongst us
Gently bringing on the laughter
Slowly the conversation increases
The camaraderie we sought after.
As the sun begins to set
Over our primitive campsite
We sit side by side to watch the stars
Their brightness not hindered by firelight.
We settle in, a group of friends
In who time has not started to chide
We share our dreams, our hopes, our fears
And enjoy life’s glorious ride.

Entry 7 Half-Marathon 21.00 EU time — Meditation At Dawn


What shall I tell myself this morning,

aside from the obvious fact

about the rain reporting to work

again as it did yesterday, promptly,

two minutes past the hour?


My class does not start till half-eleven,

so may I now return to bed to plan

today’s English grammar lesson?

Who will not show up today?  Which

students will forget their homework?


The traffic jam is starting this minute;

I can feel it in my water and in my

bones, but we do not honk our horns

here, our bumpers never touch;

I allow my head to sink back to sleep.


Outside, the light is growing, birds

will wash themselves in the puddles,

then forage for food, chirping merrily.

No appraisal interview about who

gets to catch the first worm of the day.



We might die and leave the earth
But memories will stay with worth
We might die and leave them here
But our good deeds won’t disaappear

Like good old phoenix we will come back
When time is right we will fly back
For sure its us who else will be
But the phoenix of our family

For families value every thought
They care they love the ones they got
So we might die and leave the Earth
But memories will stay with worth.

2019 – Seven – “I’m Not Really Don Quixote. Not Really.” A Reminder Sonnet for . . . Me.

I’m not a man who tilts at old windmills.
Where I was raised a windmill means I’m home.
I do own armor, but it’s clean and bright.
I only wear it out for festive days.
I have no broken-down old nag that spills
me off into the dust. And unlike some,
no comic sidekick, wiser by a sight,
strides beside me through all my forays.

I don’t live like the Don, though I am told
the differences aren’t always there to spot.
My honor and true love leave me star-crossed
A mad, old-fashioned chivalric. And bold.

I follow, though, in this. For years I’ve sought
Dulcinea, who Quixote’d lost.

Good boys

one day you come home from school past the farmland past the road next to the swamp where the gators lie if you look long and hard enough and your mother stands outside waiting for you and you do not know what she found but you do know what you did when you tried to find God in another boy’s trousers but nothing unholy would ever taste this good, right? and your mother cries as she looks through the magazines you hid under your bed and she takes you apart and she says your father called and she says how can he live with a son like that and she says I’m sorry but



I’m at the crossroads of time
My life is in flux and I need to choose a path
that will satisfy both my heart and mind
All I want is love, yet I hate to be smothered

I need a playmate lover
One that will come over when I call
and laugh at my jokes or read my books
and then have a long discussion

When I’m tired I’ll kiss him on the cheek
and send him home for dinner
I’ll curl up and check my emails and play
with kitty or make witty remarks on Facebook

When I get that feeling, I’ll call him back
I’ll use him up and feel smothered again
I’ll send him home to his own bed
and I’ll curl up with kitty in mine

But then the feelings start to come
Jealousy if I think I’m not your only one
Same old conundrum that I face each day
I want a lover to stay, but also to go away

© Diane Morinich
All Rights Reserved


Sailing on the same boat,
humming the same lines,
we talked,
shared space,
slept under same sheet.

One got down at east,other at west.
Now,divided by directions,
by color,
by race,
by history,

They spat each other on differences.

Yes,forgetfulness is a boon,
but remembrance is a blessing.

We are one,
only the red blood and the last breath is what is real.
Let’s love,love and love.

7 – wolves

jump – wriggle – stretch – run

along overgrown mountain tracks

run down city streets

over an under, but never around

muscles ripple, hunger found

jump – wriggle- stretch – run

like you remember how to be free

like you remember how to see



Weaving Tales

Hour 3

Let’s find a road we haven’t traveled

Let’s weave a tale we haven’t told

In going out, we learn the stories of

where we’re from

Life is short so live your best tale

weaving stores ‘round the fire

weaving memories in our life

The Stream

I walk through the fields outside my house,

My headphones in,

Listening to some old Queen track,


I stop at the stream,

Watching the water flow in currents,

Splashing over the rocks, in a race to get to the finish line,


I take my headphones off,

Takig in the sounds of the stream, flowing by,

I hear it splash, and squelch and protest it’s hard jurney,


Slowly, I slip off my runners and ankle socks,

And set them on the marshy banks of the stream,

In my bare feet, I hop into the shallow stream,


I gasp at first, at how cold it is,

It feels like standing on a block of ice,

My heels bounce on the smooth, wet pebbles beneath me,


The water’s so shallow,

That it barely splashes against my ankles,

And I can hear a crow cawing, not far away,


It warms up a little,

And I smile too myself,

Because here, in this moment, I feel at peace