
A word too many
A thought too loud
A sigh too heavy
An ask too much

A compliment overstated
A conversation repeated
A person contained

The expectation of who you are
A jacket too tight
The seams are splitting

A sky too limiting
The mantel is cracking

So the Earth opens up
Rending apart to break the mold
Allowing you to spill out
My Dear, a molten explosion
Into the universe, you go

Where it is big enough

Where it won’t try to contain you excess

Where there is room enough

Where you can splash out, pool and streak
Across infinity in watercolors made of creation


“Quantum leaps herein upon belief!

Though I truly hate my mom’s fake beef…”

Zelda idly paused in almost thought.

Her face of beauty glazed as sadness brought

the vision of the one boys thought most fair.

Skip, skip, skip oh magic rock!

Touch, touch, touch, this water NOT!

I am Geraldine!” Kerplop…

“It tumbled when I threw…”

“Oh why!” Kerplunk…

“Can’t I!” Plip, plunk…

“Be YOU?” Splash!


The line
Between excess and abundance
A belief thin divide

Made of
Woven choices
Inherited treasures
Evolving appraisal

How to sort

Your laughter tipped out
Leaving rooms awash

Your tinder heart’s
Flammable radiance

Your holy longing
Arching over sensible thresholds

Your unbridled voice
Setting forbidden words free

Glory or disdain

Yours to award
With your
Beholding eye


My childhood seems so far away

though I am not yet an adult

not by the definition

the people go

for I have yet to wake up frowning

and fret over stuff a simple smile could solve

I have yet to know that life is not a joke

and stop laughing at my own misfortunes

I have yet to go and think what’s best for me

and not how i could make the day

better for everybody

not an adult, far from childhood

then maybe i am a drifter

yes, I go with the flow

singing with the wind

loving every second for

it won’t point out how tone-deaf i am

my childhood is far away

but life has just begin.


Cottonwood Summer (2019 Poem 3)

Cottonwood summer
Blurred pages flutter
Love fears
Chances not taken

Holds you back
Make life worth living

Make bigger choices
Stand taller
In your power
Rise be unstoppable


In the quest of her realm
She was a wandering soul
Discovering life
She grew
And knew that she herself was a gem!

In the thirst of knowledge
She was a wondering soul
Totally in aww of herself
Constantly questioning her identity
Somehow she knew
She was infinity!

Whilst her life itself had no meaning
Every little thing had a meaning in her life
But while she was alive
She was a witness to everything

Strange were her ways
She went on with the sways
Empty were her days
And success had delays

Something new (Prompt 7/Prompt 8)

Fertile passions

helped me remember

my strength when I decided to leap

yet my new living space did not stimulate my senses

instead I was confined by prejudices of neighbors

judging my family size

the adult to child ratio

pairing it with my skin

Judging my story

I never lived this close to them before

cracking blue ice of naivety

a space the sun never quite rose in

thinking it was safe for me now in this world

with every movement

noise calls were made about me

we couldn’t walk

couldn’t move

couldn’t play

All of us afraid to breathe

like we were all an animal sighting

Of something once extinct

Observed as a subhuman until I retreated to another space

where my toes were allowed to spread.



I have a small gripe

It’s not much

Just a little snipe.

It is not a matter of

Pota-TOE vs Po-TAH-to

that’s just a bunch of clatter

Music is personal

there is emotion attached

its connections are special

It is ironic sometimes

that the ones playing it the loudest

are the first to whine

So, play whatever you want to

but turn it down, wear plugs,

I don’t hear music the same as you

Leaving Town

The years become seconds
when I can’t find the time
and I remember the minutes
that I could have made to last forever
when two angels lost their wings
to fall and talk to you and me
and point us in the direction
of where we aught to be
Driving down trodden paths
flowers trampled over
the bleached bones
of what we used to fear
the myths
we tried to understand
the words you or I
dreaded to hear
when faced with
the thrill of the unknown
and the wisdom of the road
The trip began on
the first day of creation
the destination lay
on the sixth day of rest
And everything in between
Urged us to move forward
instead I looked behind
I am here now
where I wasn’t
when you were there