I’m Late

I’m late, I’m late

Song blare, lights on

I’m late, I’m late

The party has started,

I’m not ready, ready or not;

I hope i look nice, I’m so late.


One-sided Window

you peer into my life and know the ins and outs
you see my rights, my wrongs, and all that I’m about

you observe and I let you, dear, I’m as open as a yawning sky
but when I press my eyes against your window all I do is sigh

give me a tour of the house you built that has an open view towards mine
I’m happy to give you everything if you just loosen your confines

what’s hidden in there? my knowledge of you descends into nothingness
throw me a bone, I’ll be okay with anything that you confess

the way I reach for you is something like searching for a phantom hand
lift me up, or please, let me pull you close—I just want to understand

2019 – Six – “The New Fruit” a Love Letter for My Own Dulcinea

There is a water,
cool and bright,
beside an orchard.
Beneath those trees
the sun seldom
except to nurture
fairy circles of grass,
soft and thick
and made for resting in.

In that orchard
there are many fruits,
new-sprung for
Pagan in their
natural depiction,
their like exists
and there is nothing
in the wide world
that feels as they do
in the mouth,
on the tongue,
on the lips.

In that orchard
there is a linden
that blooms all
the year round.
A pillar of the nine worlds.
White, silken blossoms
that drop in the wild
dark beneath the trees,
stirred and shaken.
The whole of the
orchard is scented
with them until even
the gods themselves
are distracted
from their thunderbolts
and their lightnings
and come to be fascinated
in their breasts
by the fullness of them.

I would take you to
that orchard
and I would ask the universe
to see you,
more cool upon my skin
than the coolest water,
darker and brighter
in my soul than the shadows of
the orchard.
With your glory, soft and thick,
a wild thicket.
More heavenly to breathe
in than my beloved linden
and better,
in the mouth,
upon the tongue
and the lips
than any other fruit
the gods can despise
for its perfection
and nurture for fear of ruin.

You are my sustenance,
that which cools me,
the darkness of my passion,
the thunder and the lightning
that drives me across the
face of the very world
that I may come to you again
and make love to you beneath
a linden tree
so that we can forget the gods
and so that they
cannot help but remember us.

And when all of that is done
and we have shaken the roots
of the ocean,
we will rest and be content
beneath the laden branches.
They will be content with us
beside the cool water
and we will be new fruit
for a very old world.


Born in anger, fear, or stress,
the little Scream starts inside.
He wants to get out, to see the world,
but he is trapped and chained.
He starts in the head, a tiny voice,
“Won’t you set me free?”
But then he grows as time goes on,
and falls into the chest.
The Scream hits the ribs,
bounced around, bruises his cage,
but still is confined to prison.
Screams feed off of sorrow,
of pain and doubt and rage.
He grows so fast, so big, so strong,
and claws his way upstream.
Up out of the chest, into the throat,
and digs into the vocal folds.
“LET ME OUT!” he cries, desperate for light.
He’s only known the inside,
damp and dark and small.
But the throat convulses, swallowing,
and squashes the Scream for good.
His corpse falls into the stomach,
A heavy grave forevermore.


Nothing hurts
There’s nothing to
Be stressed about
All is right
And good in the world
Everything is perfect

(Book 99 #19331)


Sweet praises are empty
when all you do
is scream them

I hear you, I hear you

Hold back what
little dignity the gods
have blessed you with

I see you, I see you

Forget the ravages
of those dreams you
abandoned for adulthood

I feel you, I feel you

Sugarcane woodburns
the rake of a whip
across charred asphalt

I taste you, I taste you

Morning fog that
dissipates in the heat
gives way to cerulean skies

You’ve been gone for a while now


No Tunnel, No Light

It’s dark in here

And narrow

I can’t seem to make headway

Because I cannot see

What’s in front of me

Or behind


If I stretch my arm out

What will it touch

I’m so afraid to find out

Yet I cannot be idle

Because the unknown

Is scarier than the truth


So I step forward, boldly

Only to have the darkness

Swallow me up

Was that a noise I heard

Or just my own heartbeat

Pounding mercilessly, loudly


If only there was light

A glimmer of hope

To light my path

To give me strength

If only it wasn’t so dark

Could I find my way

Axe Work

It has a rhythm.
Like a heartbeat.
Pull, lift, swing, CRACK.
A simple, clear song.
Muscle, tool, and wood.
Pull, lift, swing, CRACK.

It doesn’t just cut
It’s not a saw.
Pull, lift, swing, CRACK.
Wood is crushed
Pinned aside.
Pull, lift, swing, CRACK.
The gaps deepen
With each new strike.
Pull, lift, swing, CRACK.

The tree grows weak,
The arms grow sore,
The shadows stretch.
Pull, lift, swing, CRACK.
But each new stroke
Stays steady and strong
Will, tough as oak.
Pull, lift, swing, CRACK.
Twilight creeps in
Like moss, like age.
A tree trembles.
Pull, lift, swing, CRACK.

One more, last swing,
Felt soles to skull.
A fond farewell.
Pull, lift, swing, CRACK.

6 – cavern

I roam,

the edges of this small cavern,

my hands running along the damp walls

I sit alone in this crowded room,

the chatter deafening,

words bouncing,

thoughts screaming,

then I forget and all is quiet,

sleeping in my prison..



She was the scent that lingered heavy in the air after a thick and heavy summer rain.

She was the sun that burst through the gray clouds, absorbing the moisture, she was the humidity that saturated your skin

She was the smell of perfume that clung to the fibers of your clothes.

She was all I knew, all I wanted to know

Now, She is a lingering thought at 2:37am

She was everything, and now she is nothing