
Photograph of boat in the bay of Dunsborough, Western Australia, by Jake Allison.

Anchored and waiting
calm seas under marble-blue sky
dreaming about land

long to sail on oceans wide
leave countries behind

In the bay, we sleep
our boat swaying with the waves
and green-blue sea dreams


(22 June 2019, Hour 4)

Higher, Ever Higher

Ever higher
My gaze rises
High above verdant treetops
Above triumphant mountain peaks
Vaults the punctured backdrop
Ever expanding
Universe exhaling
Ever faster
Ever higher
Zenith and beyond
Eternity unfolding
Eternally resounding
The great remnant called apocalypse

Claimed by Ourselves

Our origins start
In secrecy
Our life shrouded
In mystery
from conception
Our birth is celebrated
For the human
They believe
You will become.
Our soul
Is claimed by
Until we fade
Into the ashes
Upon our final breath.

Harbinger of Doom

I will not shrink from being who I am
In these the last days
I am resolute
I will not hide from the world my fears
Less still my love
My regrets for the past
And a future that will not be

In my heart I planned for this
Though I hoped I would be wrong.
Now I am sure with a surety that cannot be shaken
Though I try, and succeed for breathless moments
To forget that I am the harbinger of doom
Black crow to a world that kills elephants
And bees, flowers and the roots of rain forest trees

Knowing extinction of the world we knew
Is inevitable. Tomorrows will not come for us
The bright and shining days of childhood
Are dark now. Where light once pierced the night
Dawn is too heavy a curtain.
I am powerless to push aside the velvet pall.
And reveal heavens that once revealed stars.

I am. You are. We are.
My last, your last, our last.
Minutes are long and bleak.
They do not pass like shooting stars
And leave a trail of stardust
Pain is an overwhelming blanket
Repentance cannot throw from heavy hearts

The hours are counting down
I am each minute wholly here
With you in a world that madness conquered
Stolen tomorrows are not hidden
In the treasure troves buried by the oligarchs
Who delivered us by their evil to these end days
Funeral pyres piled high with worthless treasures

Rusted iron circular staircase delivery

From the rooftop on Cannon
we broke jokes like eggs,
begged shingles to hold,
avoided sagging dips.
The moon wasn’t full
felt incomplete. I wanted
the stars to be brighter,
wanted streetlights dimmed
and a better view of my bungalow
three blocks away on Percy, wanted
something better to say. Words
swirled like smoke, rings above us
and out into the city. Three
heartbeats high and open.

The Itinerant Beautifier

Open, close, glide,
slip, slide, flit,
carried along with the trade winds,
from South America to the U.S.,
meandering descent,
alight, rest, sniff,
close wings.

Scent, sweet, nectar,
delicious intent,
probing with a proboscis,
whether orange or flower,
sliced or whole,
honey or raw sugar
all to be suckled
with reverence.

No fear of human aggression,
these are not pests.
If threatened,
open wings,
display magnificence,
geometrical colors and patterns,
which only nature can manifest.

Then suddenly, people pull out
cameras, cell phones, tablets,
“Oh, look, look! A butterfly!”

For this itinerate wanderer
It was all worth it.
This one-way journey,
to feed, to breed,
to beautify.

Sticky feet

Snacky sweet and sticky feet

a sensational view

as my friend and I move and eat mechanically and wonder if there’s something more

Sing in Me, Muse

Do you feel spiritual? No, I am a photographer
Do you drink? No, I cuss
On my walks, I listen to the street signposts
Reality is not always possible or likely – Borges
Hand on the door – anything else?
After the last book
So, it begins
Radical evil always appears when a radical good is desired – Arendt
Master of the answer, God tolerates only the question – Jabes
Sometimes a question is the flash of an answer – Jabes
Do not confuse justice and truth – Jabes
You have often been wrong. You are just – Jabes
Perhaps, hope is the book – Jabes
The absurd – my revolt, my freedom, my passion – Camus
Oblivion takes refuge in oblivion _ Jabes
The void is a voyeur – Jabes
This is how it ends

Time Traveller

He travels through time without me
loses me as he wanders in decades past
or generations yet to come

I can’t follow him there
see what he smells
paint the views
blank canvases remain untouched

yet touch can bring him back to me
sometimes I hold his hand and hope
and if I’m blessed with success
I pierce the heavens he travels

strains of Moody Blues set his feet to dance
his arms envelop me in yesterday
weave us together in strands of memory
randomly plucked from a mind that wanders

he sails without me now
is not lonely as I who left behind
wander through the world bereft
wondering when he’ll pause again

come back to me just one more time
not to dance assunder but be with me
hold my hand and in my eyes
see love reflected and love recall

My own star

My own star

Profound is the night sky

Bathed in a sea of vastness

Jeweled with as many stars

As there are life forms below

There’s also my own star

From which I came

One day to return

Bright and sparkling beside the stars

That others adorn

In the same vastness and luminous

As a child reaches out with its heart


Hour 4
