Table for Two – Prompt 18

Peckinpah hummed to something on the radio –
“Name me somebody who’s not a parasite
and I’ll go out and say a prayer for him.”

Realizing his guest might not be a Dylan fan,
Sam turned the radio off, and looked for his tea cozy.
the one no one who knew him suspected he owned.

As he looked, other items in the small trailer –
he was on-set – got thrown or kicked to a hiding place.
Except for the magazine with his expected guest on the cover.

The Midwest, what could he ask about its influence?
It wasn’t the West, the real West, the open plain
where men, not committees, determined the future.

Just as he began to second-guess his invitation,
he heard a car nearing his temporary abode.
Passing the bathroom, he caught his face in the mirror

And grimaced at his nerves, and his sloppy napkin folds.
A car door shut, footsteps, then a knock -solid and manly –
that Sam answered. “Well, hello, Mr. Benton, glad you found us.”

A Table For Two

Plates of china and candle light

set so pretty for us this night

Take up your fork and do partake

Many delicacies for you await.

but hastily we’ll chat and chew in case

a furtive glace between us is cast

for a brush of your hand as I serve you would surely our evening most likely undo


our table for two in the center of my heart, so that with each touch we will impart

sparks and flames so fierce and true, that none other can dare claim we two

Sit and sip as I serve and we savor

the rarest of love in every flavor




That porcelain cylinder waiting

To be encircled by your glorious fingers

That slow rumble of hot pouring

Over the evergreen shrub

That escaping smile

While raising the cup to the lips

With your delicate hands

The aroma taking to another world

To be lost in the ethereal vicissitudes

And all those moments found between

The cup and the lips.


Hour 18


At the Circus

8/5/17 11:10pm
At the Circus

Lick the whip that
sits coiled on her chest
resting above the Lion’s beat.
Her poor heart,
It rustles like an animal
Stretching giant lips over

Wincing beneath the leather
It’s flecks of saliva
The cut-off roar.
At the circus,
She asks herself if she’s the tamer
or the tamed.

Intimate Dinner

Away from the crowd

Where it’s quiet, my love

Let’s share this moment

In candlelight, my love

Just me and you at this table for two

Shut out the world’s sights and sound

Let’s enjoy our love


Hour 18: Pulling Up the Little Trees

Pulling Up the Little Trees

Among the regular lawn weeds
The little trees are easy to spot
Three to five inch woody stems
With an umbrella of familiar-looking leaves

When I pull them from the damp soil
They release more easily than I expect
I note the long tap roots
Each had planned to stay put

But they were born in the wrong spot
Around the AC unit, in the gravel beds
That encircle the house, rooting
Between the boarder planks

It is needful work, to protect the foundation
Of the very house in which I dwell
And yet, how sad to kill something
So young, so full of life and hope

And though these trees are now dead
If we were to pack our bags and go
How soon before the forest returned?
To erase the evidence of our existence?

I find this to be a promising thought



Table for Two

You sat alone,
so confident, so true.

You sat alone
at the table for two.

Did you picture her with you?
Did you smile through truth?

Before you sat alone
at the table for two.

Did you frequent the shops,
laughing, comparing what was bought?

Before you sat alone
at the table for two.

A bottle of wine
became a glass just for one.

As you sat alone
at a table for two.

You drank only coffee
no dinner or food,
just you with yourself
at the table for two.


No longer allowing the opinions of others to dictate my life

I walk with the confidence of a super model

I shine bright as the Alaskan icebergs

I inhale with determination and exhale only to obliterate any misconception you may have about my quest in this life

No longer allowing my thoughts to distract my dreams from manifesting

I create the vision and deliver the impossible to your front door.

I am resilient, discerning and kind.

I can disappear like a magician at the drop of a dime.

I am whole and I am complete as I embrace the value of time.

Evening Fog-18

While the bay’s been ravaged

And the ocean poisoned

One thing remains the same.

While acid falls from the sky

And every night more people die

One thing remains the same.

As the sun sets, it moves in,

Like a wave across the skin,

One thing remains the same.

Whether hot or cold

Whether timid or bold,

One thing remains the same.

Here comes the fog.

Here comes the fog.

It always stays the same.


Prompt #18 Table for two

Can we have

a table for two,


It is so full…


Yes, sir, it is;

it is monsoon

and none will take

the outdoors and wind.


Oh, then lets settle, dear,

for the outdoorsy,

under the umbrella

with blue-yellow stripes,

let’s go sit;


Why not, darling

the chairs are so antique,

almost rustic;

the food here is same,

with watered down spices;

but the drinks would be mixed

with elixir of heavens.


Right, madam

you both are in good company

of each other

we always have table for two

but never two that were brought together

for such fine dining and wining.