
“When women were birds, we knew otherwise. We knew our greatest freedom was in taking flight at night, when we could steal the heavenly darkness for ourselves, navigating through the intelligence of stars and the constellations of our own making in the delight and terror of our uncertainty.” – Terry Tempest Williams


i roared for the first time when

i was ready and i was never told by other women

to adjust my volume or tone, brazen though they were

i felt as though i was singing operettas with the birds

roar we

would / will / did for we knew

that it was death otherwise

survival depended on the we

the us the tribe we knew

the joy bravery fire of our

soul was knowing the greatest

winged freedom

was letting go of what was

and taking in

what was new taking

on the fight earning the flight

after being stared at

groped in the night

stolen from ourselves when

forced into a yes position we

screamed no as loud as we could

don’t you steal

me from me the

heartbeat in our ears heavenly

proof that we were alive in the darkness

being told to smile for

you not for ourselves

the maps torn from us while navigating

the stormy seas through

fog saltwater grief the

lighthouse of our intelligence

was lit by the fires of

those stars

who came before us and

commanded that we roar the

battle cry of our hearts to the constellations

touching our fingertips to the dust of

stars that burned out long before our

lives bloomed forth our own

phoenix sparking from ashes free making

filth dirt soot rise in

the throats of the

patriarchy to our delight

our womanly delight and

never again to kneel under the weight of terror

that is born of

ignorance fear silence our

voices will not be choked by uncertainty



When i look into your eyes

Last hours of your life

I knew ‘God was taking you home

Your hand was so strong then it got soft

I knew my Mom was gone


Know matter how old i am i wish you were here

So we could talk like we use to do

Miss you my beautiful ‘Mom


Hour 16:The Way of Lao Tzu

I am to you the teacher of the way.  

The beguiler of truth.

See how beauty falls from grace.

There is always a profound mystery to be solved—

An unfound truth to be obtained.

Follow me into the West.

I ride backward on the end of impertinence.

Leave too, your ignorance in the shadows of the setting sun.

Then, for you, a newer East will become.


Go and find it.

That one place where you can hide from the world.

A secure bunker in a world full of straw houses.

Not forever, of course. Just until the world is

Ready to embrace you once more.


Walls surround me

floors support me

and a roof over my head.

This is a house of love

love for you

love for me

and love for anyone in need.


without the poetry
I create only chaos

my veins rise like a
lover to the thought
of pain the panic takes
hold in quiet moments of
conversation I
am in love with the

slow and steady gaze
of a person confessing
their deepest secrets because when
people are hurting they want to
feel understood and
I am always hurting

and without the poetry
I create only chaos

Prompt for Hour Seventeen

Each year I write one prompt devoted to a cliché topic, previously these prompts have been focused on love, death, and angst.

This year the challenge is to write a poem about loss that is not cliché.

16. First Moon

it starts in my stomach. Something bad at lunch. Shouldn’t have had sushi. But then that sensation creeps away. Giving way to a flood of endorphins. Like a dam broke somewhere inside. A delicious head rush I’ve only ever experienced when that one girl let me fuck her tits twice in a row. Almost as good as getting sucked off. Almost.
Again. Heavier this time. Burns more. But I almost cream myself in the flood afterwards. I laugh.
The bite on my wrist starts to burn. But the burn you get from putting on too much relieving muscle cream.
All at once, I’m thrown to the ground of my bedroom. The neighbors think what I would hope. Rough sex. That’s what it feels like. So good. S-s-s-ooo goood. All over. Tense. Stretching. My bones crack. And blue-black energy flows through out my fingertips. Out my open mouth. Through my eyes. Something in the canines. She might’ve said. Two lifetimes ago.
my hands, stretch, fur, my feet, sharpen, digging, my back, the power, raw, feral, the best, my laugh, my laugh, I’ve heard it before, from my neighbor’s husky, my eyes. I can see everything. Supremacy.
howl with me


Walking my path

is tricky

It’s not straight

nor is it smooth

Lots of bumps

and curves

Adventures and lessons

to be learned

and endured

Hour Sixteen

Have you stopped to look closely
at the rolled-out insides of a crushed squirrel?
I did the other day. They were pale red, a mess, mundane.
I would have lingered longer,
but for my companion.
She was impatient for lunch.