In the madness of the eyes my senses fail and reason is lost.

This is the miracle fire.

Our days, our misery, our bitter lovers.

I am paradise.

I live in paradise.

You are the father of affliction.

Ripping our flesh as teeth kiss.

Red ropes cast spells.

Standing here frozen.

I warned you to twist your heart.

I warned you to witness my cracked open room with a view.

Misplacer’s Blues

Oh no! It’s gone!

Quick, search in the cupboard,

under the stairs,

peek in the fridge; it may be there!

Dig through your purse,

pull out your pockets,

silently vow you’ll hoard less

of all the wrappers of gum,

oh! There’s that skirt from 2001,

lip balm, hair brush, lint roller.

But it’s still lost, hang on.

Phew. On the charger.


Oh no, they’re gone!

Where are my glasses?

Please don’t tell me

they’re somewhere over here…

Bathroom, living room, upstairs and down,

you’ve searched everywhere, except..

Oh! On your head!

Hour 17

Missing You Still

Ever since I lost you

I have been searching

For a way to keep you close

I have it, I know what to do

I will have you marked into my skin

All red and feathered and alive

A way to show the world you are still here

Hour 12: 100 words


Angels singing in the breeze,

Bubblegum flavored cotton candy ,

Candles made from drippings,

Dog moons are eclipsing.

Elves in the foxglove,

Gloves on a horse

Hay sold in inches

Inchworms are jumping on Jimmy

Of course.

Japanese koi are obviously kicking

Kid goats are licking,

Lions meowing

Monarchs are napping,

Needles are ouch-ing

Oceans are pulling

Pipers are quip-ing

Quail are returning

Rabbits are stomping,

Silver pails thumping,

Turtles are racing in bright underwear.

Unicorns dance at a vampire fair

Voices are waking

Wind needs xeroxing

Xylophone choirs are nervously yelping.

Yellow is zipping

zebras arriving—

so is this helping?


Watch the Door

I used to miss him, then I corrected my aim.
I used to love him, but he lost that game.
I used to want him, but now that he’s gone
I am happier without than with him.
I lost the one I thought I would love
Forever and a day.
I gave it my all, had a ball
And then he walked away.
“Don’t let the door hit ya’
Where the good Lord split ya’”
I hollered at his retreating back.
He turned around and stared
Thinking I cared
I blew a kiss, smiled and said, “See ya!”

Losing someone

Meeting someone in one’s life
Communing anew to illuminate
Garnering much so divine
Grasping every lessons learned

Primordial undertaking truly diverse
Assimilate in depth and divide
Matching in river of adverse
Nothing me to subdivide

Formidability promoting
Commencing such tears
Adoring in the salient motioning
Nothing left for fears

Foregoing much in its severity
Drawing latent most in adversity

© Roy Mark Azanza Corrales 06082017 1:05 PM PST

Prompt#15, Shiva tandav

He was phallus incarnate

rage and passion both carnal and sedate

his dance was of great rigour

but steeped in dew and ardour

no sarcasm, no guile

no details of cunning kind

only the pure blue feelings

stuck in his throat

he danced for days on end

and gained thus a reputation

for being and becoming

creation and adoration

his dance is the thunder

wearing anklets

his song the rain

soaking earth

a vast populace

opens its hearts

to his passion’s

ritual insinuatiion

the drum-beats

are small

but his trishul long

three pronged he kills

love, lust and avarice

with his big feet dancing

to rhythm and beat

he births

love, desire and mavericks


Crazy ex

You left your T-shirt here

I found a random strand of your hair last night

Every part of my house has a random reminder of you in it

I miss you and not in that creepy way that psycho Exes who only dated you for a month do

I just miss you.

You seem like you really wanted to talk but you responded to my Facebook message

I don’t want to read too heavy into this again

Oh crap.

There I go, parachuting, back into my crazy…

#16 midnight

Is it late

or is it early?

the clock shows 12

midnight or noon?

I call it late

cause it’s dark


The mystery of a frog in my jar

August monsoon rain.flooding my garden, that stormy evening and

I heard a loud cry of frogs in a festive mood of lovemaking

In a pool of water cascading towards  a small stream.

My raincoats and boots are dripping, when I tried to check my garden flooded up to my waist

Thinking my vegetable garden was badly damage from the flood.

i hang my raincoat and left my wet boots outside

And went back to my kitchen to get hot water from my teapot.

The steam from the pot touched my elbow and left a red mark.

it warms my shivering body from cold after a cup of coffee.

iI returned upstairs to get a warm blanket and noticed my children are intact in bed.

I laid down to get some sleep but, it kept me awake all night,

Worrying about the tomatoes I have in my garden and are ready for harvesting.

At the break of dawn, I went out to check my garden and

Lo and behold, some tomatoes survive the floods area, while the rest are left rotten.

Picking ripe tomatoes are easy and it filled up my basket easily.

I heard a slurpy munching sound from the back of a tree,

A  squirrel peculate  and munching on my sweet tomatoes.

After preparing a canner, a jar and a lid to preserve my tomatoes,

I noticed a green speckled frog inside one of my jar,

mysteriously jumped inside the basket full of red and green tomatoes.





