5. The Beggar

5. The Beggar


The beggar, on the street corner,

down on his knees, eyes pleading, beseeching.

Straddled on his shoulder, is a little girl,sweating.

Uncomfortable, sickly and with fever,burning.


What a life is this for them?

No food! No clothing! No shelter!

No basic amenities

and no shelter!


What a life is this for them?

Living on leftover,

a few coins thrown in their cup.

Scrummaging forever!


Has our hearts become so hard and common,

that we see the beggar a’s vermin?

Is it not our responsibility,

to eradicate poverty?


Anwar Suleman


Twas The Night Before The Marathon

Twas the night before the marathon

And as the sun set,
I was hunched at the keyboard just starting to sweat

The deadline approaching, I done ate all my snacks….

…shit’s wack.

But the muses are nourished not on smoked almonds, cheese and crackers

The succulent nectar of inspiration their only necessary nutriment

As they flit round the edges of my consciousness famished, mouths parched with too many words unexpressed
Too many concepts left to gather dust like these stacks of old notebooks that weigh down shelves with dreams unfinished

A cool breeze chills the nervous sweat beading brow
Sun sinks behind islands on horizon, last wisps of golden sun drift into indigo sky
As yet devoid of stars
Still and darkening
Soon to start

4.My Back

4. My back

Click! Clack! Crack!

There goes my back!

Cannot stand straight.

with a hurting back, that is my fate!


Ooh! Aah! Eish!

My back is finish!

Pulsating pain!

My whole body in strain.


Drum! Doof! Whack!

My wife massages my back.

Her touch, soothing n calm

like a relaxing balm.


Click! Clack! Crack!

I am now backnown on track!


Anwar Suleman


3. Allergy

3. Allergy

Unseen, Microscopic Dustmites..

Living in the air

and everywhere.


Watery eyes, sneezing, coughing

and running nose.

Cannot even smell the fragrant rose.


These Dustmites are inflaming my allergy,

causing an infection in my nasal cavity.

with some infused medication that I require

and it’s of to bed I retire.


Anwar Suleman



Trial Post

Hello all. This is my first attempt at the half marathon so I’ll give it a try and see if the muses allow the creativity to flow long enough 

Is this thing on?

A big hello to everyone out there! This is my first marathon, so I am nervous and excited all at once! I just finished up a poetry course in the spring, so I’m hoping to put that knowledge to good use. I’ve been doing mostly editing lately, so I am glad that I will be able to finally put my own work out there! I’m so happy to be meeting so many other poets!


God bless,


Did I Make It In Time?

There is no such thing as coincidence…

A comment notification popped up on a piece from last year, I was reminded of the inspiring experience last year, and thought to myself, I must sign up again this year…

Little did I know, it begins tomorrow at 9:00 am, and I had better get some sleep…

I am posting this to see if my account is still active…

Looking forward to the challenge once again!

Love to all!


2. The Marathon

2. The Marathon


All the excitement, building to a crescendo.

I awake early and I know it is not in vain.

With a short prayer

I calm my body and brain .


The Marathon has begun.

12 hours to write 12 poems.

I reach deep into my inner self

so that my heart in inspiration, freely roams


Oh! What an achievement!

With my fellow poets, to be writing.

Around the globe, all at once

poetic prose, to be composing.


No blood, no sweat, no tears

when running this poetry marathon.

Just a sense of comraderie with your fellow peers.

See you all at the finishing line.


Anwar Suleman