bought three peaches
yesterday so tomorrow
I may dare to eat one
24 Poems ~ 24 Hours
Just testing this thing-a-ma-bob to confirm that I remember how to post poems when the time comes. Greetings and Aloha to one and all…
Hello everyone.
This is my second marathon. First one was in 2014 and it was a wonderful experince.
“See” you all soon …
This is my first marathon, and I’m excited to read others work as well as post my own 😀
I hope everyone is feeling the exciment or I may in fact be a super dork. Either way yay!!!!
This is my first poetry half marathon. I’m excited for this opportunity to challenge myself to write more, and more often, and on-demand. I look forward to reading everyone’s poems!
Here I am wondering why did I put this pressure on myself? I haven’t written any new poetry in a while now and I’m feeling rusty, guess this will loosen up the brain fog. Actually excited to see if I can finish this in spite of all the other things I cram into my schedule and don’t accomplish. Need some new fired-up inspiration and I can’t wait to see what comes out of this. Sending good vibes to all of you!
Testing to see if I’m doing this right. I live in a very small town and I am married to a farmer. I love strong adjectives, sweet southern ways, large porches, clouds, dirt roads, old dogs, trees, and barns.
I’m looking forward/worried about it! Thank you Caitlin and Jacob, for putting this on every year. It’s pretty wonderful of you.