Hello All

Hello everyone.
This is my second marathon. First one was in 2014 and it was a wonderful experince.
“See” you all soon …

So excited

This is my first marathon, and I’m excited to read others work as well as post my own 😀

A new adventure

This is my first poetry half marathon. I’m excited for this opportunity to challenge myself to write more, and more often, and on-demand. I look forward to reading everyone’s poems!

Well, this is awkward!

Here I am wondering why did I put this pressure on myself?  I haven’t written any new poetry in a while now and I’m feeling rusty, guess this will loosen up the brain fog.  Actually excited to see if I can finish this in spite of all the other things I cram into my schedule and don’t accomplish.  Need some new fired-up inspiration and I can’t wait to see what comes out of this.  Sending good vibes to all of you!


Testing to see if I’m doing this right.  I live in a very small town and I am married to a farmer.  I love strong adjectives, sweet southern ways, large porches, clouds, dirt roads, old dogs, trees, and barns.

Testing, Testing

I’m looking forward/worried about it! Thank you Caitlin and Jacob, for putting this on every year. It’s pretty wonderful of you.