Whooooo eye am…

Hello Everyone, (if there is an everyone out there)

I am a poet who is not a techy…not too hard to imagine.

And, I am at small lake cabin in North Idaho on vacation trying to figure out a way to do the marathon.

I figured out how to make my iphone a hotspot so that I can access my computer. Yeahh!

And here I go into the great unknown…if anyone sees this…Hallelujah with cherries on top.

It means I figured something else out.

Harvey Schwartz

normally from Bellingham, WA

Hi there

Hi all,

My name is Liam Kinnon and I’m a singer-songwriter from Toronto, Canada. I’m really looking forward to being a part of this experience. It’s nice to be focusing on just words for a change!

Hi all!

here I am… booyah! I love meeting up with other poets, this is an awesome idea!

So, I am crazy, but I am going to a creativity conference tomorrow at the same time. I thought that it would be the perfect challenge to do them together… but I might be late on posting new pieces!

I’ve been wanting to create a collection about PCOS for a long time. I have it – Polycistic Ovary Syndrome – as do an estimated 5-10% of women. And it totally sucks! I’ve started a new lifestyle of owning it and being a “PCOS Diva.” Part of this change, I decided, would be that I should start writing about it.

So I want this to be the beginning of a collection about life with PCOS. I can see lots of things shooting off of this – life with diabetes, endocrinological problems, “women’s problems,”… I would love to create a collection and gather others for an anthology!

So if this sounds like you or someone you know, get in touch. I don’t have any definite plans yet, but I would love to start the ball rolling. (Look up “The Atelier Project” on Amazon to see a similar project of mine.)

So maybe I’ll make it, maybe I won’t, but yippee! really excited to be a part of this.


(oh, about me… I moved from the nw Scottish highlands to Portland Oregon last fall; I’m married to a Lewis boy; from Montana and Louisiana; we have the world’s cutest baby, named Jack. I’m the author of Today, She Is (wipf & stock, 2014), and my poems and stories have appeared in several places including The Wayfarer (forthcoming), Ink, Sweat & Tears and Crooked Holster. I have an MLitt in Creative Writing from the University of Glasgow (2015), I studied creative writing at the Oxford Dept. of Cont. Ed. Creative Writing Summer Course (2012), and I’m the editor of the blog Paper Mill. I’m passionate about the magic of creativity and I love northwest coasts!

Excitement Overflow!

Hello fellow Marathoners!!


I hope you all are ready for a fun filled, inspirational experience. I am excited!  I took the liberty to join this marathon to help challenge the new skills buried in me. I hope this experience guide you to new opportunities. Happy writings!


Thick, close, aught, ought, fraught, August, white, yin, sin, a distant shore, a cool tile floor, swimming, limning, brimming, haze, praise, a burning gaze, the end of days.

Thinking of things, trying to bring my mind into submission, the fog of depression and hormones and fear making numb the sluggish synapses of someone I once was, or am, or will be. Just spitting out the thoughts and wondering if my fingers will do what my consciousness forbids. Connect with God? Connect with others? How is this possible until connection is made with a soul inside myself? Searching for home, but it exists only in the past, or in a parallel universe. I imagine splitting into an infinite number of pieces, spinning into the multiverse in all the potential that might have been.

Coffee for lunch. What are you having for lunch? See how I am reaching out, being sociable, expanding beyond my comfort zone? It certainly is hot today! Is it hot enough for you?

Hello, Word!



My name is Nyasia and I’m a recent college graduate from SUNY Oswego. I recently came back from London having the honor to study young adult literature and poetry. I’m a native of Harlem but travel back and forth to Maryland as I love southern hospitality. I am doing a half marathon so I can keep the creative juices flowing while I apply for countless jobs. As I consider myself a poet it’s always important to push yourself to write even when you don’t want to. For me, the marathon will keep me on my toes. I have a passion for cooking and looking forward to creating a funky cooking blog/vlog for college students and young professionals. I also have a passion for singing and writing songs. I hope to join a band in New York or create my own as a hobby. Good Luck to you all!

What am I supposed to call an introduction?

Hello! My name is Jade, and I am writing the full marathon. I discovered the marathon a few weeks ago while scrolling through FaceBook – and decided to join just after the first application opportunity closed! I am very thankful that there was a second one!

I love to to write poetry and am inspired to do it for many reasons, ranging from admiring the beauty of nature to processing my emotions to philosophizing on life to celebrating the people I know. I hope the challenge of the marathon wills kickstart my creativity. To prepare, I’ve recruited some friends to help me stay awake. I suspect we’ll be watching a lot of Netflix, and I hope my poetry doesn’t all develop a Doctor Who theme as a result! It’s times like this that I wish I had a laptop, as that would make posting throughout the day much easier, but such is life. As for what else I’ll do to prepare, I’m not quite sure – it will certainly involve caffeine.

I look forward to reading everyone’s poems! I’m also excited to share my own – my poems have been purely personal as of late. It’s been years since I wrote poetry for any sort of audience. Good luck to you all, and may the best of your creativity shine forth!

Here, back again

I can’t believe it’s time for the 2016 marathon already. And at the same time, I can’t wait for it to start. Last year has provided me with a much needed and much missed sense of deadline urgency, as I was having withdrawal after graduation.

This year I’ve only signed up for half the marathon, because I’m a hardcore basketball fan and intend to watch all of the Olympic games. Must have some sleep between those, too! So don’t be surprised if some of my poems come out basketball-themed. I will do my best to produce more than 12, though, I just didn’t want to sign up for more than I know I can manage.

That being said, last year sparked some great ideas and resulted in some really good poems that I loved (and I’m my own worst critic!). I really wouldn’t mind the marathon happening at least twice a year.

Test post.

i am using the word press app and I’d like to know if my post went through and is visible.

thank you!