Poetry Prompt Eleven: A poem about our four legged friends
They have been bred into domesticity,
Our four legged friends,
Taught to catch, carry, play, care and come,
Without them we would fall to the wolves.
They help us in ways we cannot fathom,
Form the smallest of breeds,
To the biggest of hearts,
They come to us in the night,
Pushing away our PTSD, our fears, our fright and loss.
Wandering with us, beside us, behind us,
Reminding us we are less than alone in such a big world.
There are many things we wouldn’t achieve,
Without them we cannot conceive our lives,
They allow us to breathe their bravery.
They save us, give themselves for us,
Trust us, give us their utmost,
Our four legged friends,
Without them, we would be with only each other.