do i terrify?

It’s that time again. This is my Introductory post for year 2.


My name is Angel. I’m 21. I’m doing the full marathon (I hope). I will be at my friend’s house for a pool party / cookout during the Marathon, but so long as the WordPress app doesn’t fail me, I should** be able to post on time. I’m guessing that during the busier hours (while I’m outside) I will just be writing really short poems (less than 10 lines) – which I normally do, I love writing epigrams. Then when it gets later and I’m settled in more I will try to write a few longer ones to even it out.


I’m not entirely sure I will be able to complete this but I’m going to try my damn hardest.


A little about me: I have two hairless dogs, a wonderful girlfriend, the best mom. I work for a lawyer, I run my favorite band’s Facebook page (OTEP), I love Amanda Palmer and Sylvia Plath. I barely read, which I think puts me at a huge disadvantage as a writer. I am published in small literary journals, mostly from colleges.  I’m not at all adventurous.

Introduction Post

Greetings All,

I just found out that I have to post an introduction. My name is: Maureen McInerney Mleczewski. I am doing the 12 hour (Half) Marathon. I’m quite rusty, but hope that this is a useful move for me. I wish you all luck in your writing.

Hello 2015 marathoners!

Hi guys! It’s great to meet all of you! I had an amazing experience last year and I’m really looking forward to tomorrow! I’m a professional writer and also the chief editor for Starklight Press. I’ve got a quite a few books published, anthologies and had poems published in assorted places. I’m also involved in a mystery writing panel at When Words Collide (WWC) and have three book launches this year. One at WWC, one at VCon and one at the Fraser lake festival of the arts. I’ve got a pretty long resume but that’s kind of boring to hear about so let’s just leave it at I love writing and i am also completely in love with nature, animals and my hubby! Cheers!

Soul Driven 24hrs Marathon

My name is Dana Warnock and I live in Florida. I am poet, writer, photographer, and impressionist painter. I simply love a challenge and this fits in with me and I am driven for writing,so for 24 hrs. My soul will be open and raw in expressing the gentleness and also expressive poetry. I hope it comes to me and the flow just happens naturally. Looking forward to the next 24hrs with you all…

Down stream focus and channeling the universal words of wisdom..

Greetings, Friends!

Hello Fellow Marathoners!

I am a recent college graduate from WI. I currently have three poems published by different poetry societies. I love coffee, yoga, the feeling of the sun on my face, and meeting new people who share my passions!

This is my first Marathon and I am testing it out with a Half Marathon. I am looking forward to bouncing ideas and sharing words with you all.

Thanks for reading!



I’m so excited for this! I love the sense of community and challenge it will generate and if I complete the whole Marathon, the final poem will also be my 100th!

Introduction Post

Good afternoon! I am extremely excited about being a part of this. I have been writing poetry since my early teens, and have always found it as a source of comfort; writing, for me, is the greatest outlet for emotions. Aside from writing I spend my days selling insurance and being Mom to two extremely social and active teens. My daughter is heavily involved in all things music related: marching band, jazz band, symphonic band, and her own personal band. My son is the athlete of the group, he’s played soccer, baseball, track, football, and has aspirations of adding hockey and basketball to the list. I have always told them to dream big and go for it…looks like they do listen after all.

I hope everyone has as much fun with this marathon as I hope to have.

Happy writing!!


Soul Drive Into Life

The soul has a driven heart and leads to our passions in life and so with this, I am ready for the glowing effect from this challenge. 24 hr marathon and the best is yet to come..

Start Me UP

“once I start I’ll never stop, never stop, never stop….” Oh, yes, I suppose I will.

p.s. Thanks, Mick Jagger


Ocean City, New Jersey


Total Newbie

I posted my intro on FB several days ago. After reading the various posts from other participants I’m completely intimidated by this event but still determined to try.  Clearly there’s more involved than I anticipated; from food planning to resource material to pre-planned  one liners, I’m the least prepared of all. Too late to turn back now. I’m in this for the long haul – well the half at least!