Writer’s Block

Twenty-four poems

in twenty four hours.

I always have so many


Where will they all come from?

How will I be so inspired?

Will my muse slumber?

Will my pen be mute?

My observations

of life around me

Are on high alert

as my heart prepares

to put forth words

it has not yet spoken.



What a great initiative to flood to globe with words and sleeplessness. I will keep this short as I have many words to come, and I relish the chance to unleash my sometimes neglected poetic muscles.

I am glad to be joining you all!


C x

June 11

Feeling the need to test this thing again. Anxious and confident; confident about completing the marathon, anxious that what I write won’t be crap. It begins 28 hours from now. Not in this alone; my life partner Cindy Albers is also doing the 24 hour marathon. Hoping this headache doesn’t cling all weekend.


I’m Chitrali from sydney, australia and I’m looking forward to taking part in what looks set to be an awesome event, as a 1st-timer…
I’m doing this to try & ‘unblock’ myself as i’ve not written for over a year and i’m hoping that participating in an event like this will shake something loose somewhere!…

I’m a corporate slave/muggle by day and writing has usually been my place of absolute refuge and strength – and i miss it…

hoping my muse will hear my pleas, tomorrow…xed fingers!… :)..




“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” Arthur Ashe

This is where I am.

This 24 hour poetry marathon is a prompt to activate my seriously dormant writing practice and act as a creativity stimulant.

I didn’t realize until several days after signing up that I also work at my regular job for the first 7 hours of this marathon. I have decided to not let that be an excuse not to participate. I like challenges. I committed. There it is.

Use what you have.

I have plenty. It’s just scattered in a million tiny neurons I seem unable to access at times. Time to activate those neurons into new patterns of word groups……..poetry to the rescue!

Do what you can.

24 hours. 24 poems. I can.



Introducing myself

I’ve been writing for more than 50 years, and it hasn’t gotten any easier.  But I’m one of those people who can’t not write.

I write both prose and poetry, but I was a poet first.  A friend challenged me to do the half marathon, and I accepted the challenge.

When I’m not writing, I’m gardening, tending chickens, or teaching kids to read and write.  I live on a small farm in the woods of northeastern Oklahoma.

I’m looking forward to seeing what everyone has to share.


POEM #303


In a nursing home today,

Will I leave or will I stay?

Life or death, how do I choose?

If it’s death what do I lose?

Living life what is the price?

Do I pay or roll the dice?

Why is my mind becoming clay?

Weren’t we just children at play?

Is there no one to love or care?

Am I destined to sit and stare?

Why did my home become so cold?

Maybe we both were growing old!

Family and friends, where did they go?

Strangers glance my spirit sinks low!

Day after day, night after night,

My strength is gone, I’ve lost the fight!

Memories are fading fast,

Please leave me one that will last.

I would like too walk in the park,

Once before my room becomes dark!

In a nursing home today,

Will I leave or will I stay?

Written by Carl Mann

The kurlman


Pleasant Hill, Ohio


POEM # 368


Stopped in the bar just to think,

Everyone there buys me a drink.

How many shooters have I had?

Usually quiet now happy and glad,

Should I have ordered my lunch?

As shooters continue in a bunch.

The day has become just a blur,

As words I speak begin to slur.

The more I drink, I try to act cool,

Challenging all to a game of drool.

Stick in hand my shot rips the felt,

Laughter the sound, I begin to melt.

Another round of shooters too all,

Eyes so bleary, I wait for last call.

When did I walk through the door?

One more shooter will be the floor.

Bartender help me, please call a cab,

Everyone a last shooter on my tab.

Home at last, to the whirl of the bed,

No more shooters, today I will be wed.

Written by Carl Mann

The kurlman



I am so excited about this project!  My brain is already looping around looking for images.  I just retired from teaching, and so it is lovely to thing about being able to stay up all night.  I think my students stay up all night, but maybe not to write poetry


Kevin Brennan first timer.


My name is Kevin Brennan and this is my first time doing the poetry marathon.

I am from Dublin Ireland. I am currently working on my second novel, a science fiction story that starts in the present and goes fifty years into a utopian future where the human race saves itself and the planet thanks to a world wide shift in attitude.

Here is a pilot episode from my first book, Gurriers.

I perform poetry in The International Bar in Dublin every Wednesday at a fantastic event called Dublin’s Underground Beat. This is a music and poetry open mike night where all artists are welcome. We get lots of oversea talent. Last night we had a poet from Chicago, a blues guitarist from Salt Lake City and a harmonica player from Germany.

Any poets who come to Ireland should come and join us for a session.