
Whose story is this Can we tell Everyone’s formed an opinion Oh well They take what they wanted and Turned it about and Now the truth is in Doubt

What we were we reeling about and Does it fit Last time I checked we all played a role It’s Black and White with a touch of grey

Where did this happen and did we move it around On the street In the park

When was it noon was it dark

How did it occur Can we tell There’s red water running everywhere

Why Everyone wants to know yet the only ones to speak are the circus running the show

Are we failing?



There’s been a heavy fall of rain overnight and the world seems freshly washed around me today – a good beginning to a new adventure! Best wishes to everyone who’s doing either the half marathon or the full marathon today; it’s been a pleasure to meet you.

Dance on Air

One day she’ll dance on air

When ground

And sky

And water

Are all one.

The wind in her hair

Soft rain falling

She can feel

Life’s rhythm

Flowing in.

She danced on earth;

Now she dances on air.



Faces in the rocks

And in the leaves

Upon the ground.

In clouds they change

When passing by

Each look

A new one found.

I see the faces

Of all time

Held there

In nature’s hand.

The Painting of the Stars

The first one glows

Alone at night

A monad in the dark.

Then second comes

And third and fourth

And grows the light.

Like fireflies in the sky

They dance


The painting of the stars.

I want to not do this, but…

I am going to follow through. I have a new commitment to myself, that whenever I sign up to do something or say I will do something, I DO IT.

I feel super nervous, because lately poetry has become something I fear. I used to love it dearly, but after tanking open mic after open mic lately, my confidence has really taken a huge hit.

Part of me is doing this to prove that I have what it takes, the other part to conquer my fears and something else inside tells me that this is going to be huge for me in some way that is unknown to me at the moment, but will become apparent soon and very soon.