Prompt for hour 3

Twenty little poetry projects, after Jim Simmerman and Lexanne leonard

1. Start with the salt
2. Stir up and down, up and down then around 17 times. Slap it twice
3. scatter randomly throughout the poem.
4. Feel the purple crawling up your fingers, the slow cut of murex shells, then pour when it reaches the top
5. Rhiannon, flying in the wind, the slow smoke over Winnipeg
6. Shake it off, shake it, shake it shake it off, shake it all off
7. And rush to pick it up, the small soft body
8. Remember that all words go into poems, even prose, even the badly spelled (sic)
9. Because it belongs there if I said so
10. Coom ben the hoose, hen, coom ben
11. The stinking smoke of far off wildfires glaze the sky, the breakable image of tomorrow
12. but still sweet on my tongue, colours the afternoon, perfumes the day
13. I watch myself without looking, a sly glance from the corner of my eye
14. Change my zoom label to she/he his/her like all the modern kids
15. When I will speak and have them listen, all of them, even the ones I’m talking to in their little tiles
16. Overlapping every corner in their monochrome screens
17. Here! I will stand here, in the corner and sprinkle my hollow cupped pyramidal words as garnish
18. Remember l’esprit d’escalier and go back
19. So that it blinks and blinks again
20. Then fuzzes out, signal lost, sweat drips into my eyes

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