Recipe for staying sane during covid

1. An abundance of patience and hope.
2. Communication with precious friends and family members
3. A walk in the park or a zoom workout
4. Keeping gainfully employed
5. High-fat takeout or cooking

It’s hard to find the right mixture to get through this plague
Only the right recipe will fight this feeling so doomful and vague
You’ll have to summon bountiful hopeful thoughts and keep good cheer
Sprinkle in some daily talks with friends and family to keep your head clear
Add a little exercise with some hope in the park to escape the days kept in
Or a dash of a workout online with patience to keep spirits high and body thin
But it’s also important to flavor the secret sauce with a steady job
Because an income and staying busy are keys to surviving this malaise
To keep your thoughts occupied in the worst of those long cloudy days
As needed, throw in a small amount of fatty food and sinful booze
Just enough to put on a smile and escape the summer blues

5 thoughts on “Recipe for staying sane during covid

  1. Thank you, yeah chatter of a six-year-old, like that!…living by myself, I am actually envious of people who have someone to talk to daily. I jumped at the opportunity to go back to the office.

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