hour 18 listen

“just be still and listen”

was taught to me by my elders

to connect to the lines of spirit

between all beings

made more loving for the teachings

vibrating in those golden threads

like rhizomes between plants

like prayers in the air.

they said you can’t hear the answers

if you’re always asking for them.

so I try to sit and listen,

so still I won’t scare the voices away.

r. l. elke


One thought on “hour 18 listen

  1. Wonderful poem. Advice given without scolding . Interestingly, I don’t recall ever having specific conversations with my varietal elders – though I am sure we must have, somewhere along the line – but I am very aware that it was demonstrated. Just sitting, contemplating, observing, meditating – whatever. So it just seems natural to me. Ive now read this poem about a half-dozen times. Very moving.

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