prompt 26: Animkiig (Thunderbird) – aaand…a holla back to an older poem…two prompts in one!

Because I am a keener and because I am ready to fall over,  I have decided to pull two prompts together – I am replying to an earlier poem in this one about an animal that I have mentioned earlier.




I have seen you wandering from here,

on your shores of slate-black lakes,

from this storm I call home

in the heart of lightning’s transformative medicine

where fire opens life

for seeds shut to all but heat…

like you.


be careful what you wish for.

you gazed into the centre

to learn teachings of butterfly.

now you know what transformation feels like,

my claws in the flesh of your left shoulder,

as I know how it feels to

touch the face of the sun to hear Creator’s voice.


because of my flashing eyes,

this world still dances with life

and you still dance, too.


what will you do with that gift?


I hear your prayers in the tobacco smoke,

echoing them in whispers

to Creator’s heart.


you’re welcome.


(c) r. l. elke

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