Ideal, a favorite sushi place
mango, crab and rice to taste
peach mochi melts on my tongue
quesadillas, shrimp and queso food
cheesesteaks blaze my heart and mood.
Sitting home, green things I spy
scaly, soft, with cunning eyes
munching crickets I supply
joy comes easy when they play
and let me pet them all the day.
Smell of flowers in a garden
gives my weary heart a pardon
colors bright green, mauve and blue
set my eyes on fire too
mistfall on a morning walk
hearing noises in the park
just the crickets, a doggy bark
makes my soul jump all a-jerk.
Kissing, hugging during movie
with my love, it makes me boogie
a favorite tune, we jump and dance
around the living room with our pets
like to treat each other too
cooking when we’re in the mood
for salty, sweet or sour food.
Just a happy little giggle
when child’s piggies I will tickle
my heart jumps to see them smile
when they attempt to stand awhile
something new, always a pleasure
paint with yogurt, ice cubes colored
banging toys, making clutter
baby’s love makes life matter.
– Sandra Johnson