What the flood is going on?
creeping, bubbling in at dawn
closing down beloved parks
do we need some Noah’s arks?
Whole neighborhoods collapse when
an avalanche of sludge creeps, then
the throat is dry for just a drop
contaminated all, clean H20 stopped.
Polar caps are melting now
causing us to argue, how
is global warming drowning us
slowly immersing the human race.
And now, the world is new once more
oceans, ponds and brooks restored
one borne creature swims alive
wet and happy in water thrives.
– Sandra Johnson, June 25, 2022
Wow! I appreciated that twist with “What the flood. . .. ” and then began to recognize so much in the lines that followed. We have surpassed any reason in far too many ways, so it was good that you added humans to this poem when writing “neighborhoods collapse,” “causing us to argue,” and “slowly immersing the human race.” It’s true, Earth will continue after us, just not in the form we knew and then discarded. I genuinely hope we arrive at and stay in ” . . . the world is new once more. . . .” but have a side of cynism or perhaps despair right now.