Wonders of the Seven Seas – 11th Hour

11th Hour    https://thepoetrymarathon.com/blog/seventhsolstise/wonders-of-the-seven-seas/


Wonders of the Seven Seas


Dreaming that I was swimming,
in the turquoise waters of the Coral Reef,
I heard a sinewy voice calling me,
I looked back further to see clearly,
a big burly character with a cigar in his teeth,
exhaling smoke - soft and pillowy,
Yelling and laughing and daring me,
to come aboard!

"Ahoy mate!  Ahoy mate!
Come with me,
to a new dimension - an aquatic fantasy!"
"Come into the ship and I'll take you where you
will never want to leave,
to the deep, deep recesses of the Seven Seas."

The ship was as large as the girth of the ocean,
it had no helm to guide it and made no motion.
On air, it seemed to glide,
not disturbed by the encompassing sea,
richly covered in silver, diamonds
and gold leaf.

I swam, so excited to travel the tides,
and discover new places on this seafaring ride.
The bow was set and the flag of the mast, unfurled.
Without warning,we plunged towards unknown worlds.
"Ahoy, ship ahoy, as the ocean waters swirled!"

I saw a huge black hole open up in the silent deep,
and the monstrous ship begin to surge and steep
into the whirling waters where darkness creeps.
As if I were the figure-head,
I held tightly to the stern unafraid,
Standing proudly.

I could not tell if I were dreaming,
but I could feel my throbbing heart beat.
I was breathing in tandem with 
the motion of these watery seas.
So enamored and so blessed to believe,
such an amazing adventure 
was granted to me.

Suddenly, a brilliance of multicolored 
light illuminated the darkness where lived,
the most glorious sea creatures
and ornamental fish.
They drew me toward them by some invisible force,
and though I never opened my mouth,
They answered every question,
discourse by discourse.

I was given special clothing, 
so delicate and intricate,
that I would need for protection
on this aqueous trip.  
The food was heavenly, fulfilling and light,
I never had fear to hide or take flight.

The Captain's face signaled me - it's time,
to return to the rocky shores,
from my aquatic paradise,so divine.
For awake I am,
and the dreams no more.
What amazing voyages I await to explore, 
in the imaginations of my mind
From ocean to ocean,
tour to tour..

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