Prompt 9

“We all need a witness to our lives”
my friend tells me after I apologize for
sending another text.
Someone to see the small but not
insignificant events that happen throughout
the day
Someone to hear our random thoughts
and understand our quirky feelings
Someone who cares if we are sick or well
Someone who knows the latest cute antic of the dog or cat
Someone who believes we can succeed
Someone who knows us
A friend, a lover, a partner
It doesn’t matter
We all need a witness to our lives.

5 thoughts on “Prompt 9

  1. “Someone to see the small but not/insignificant events that happen throughout/the day” is, to me, the epitome of “witness.” I enjoyed the sharing of what you felt those events were for you. Thank you for letting us witness you. This piece is lovely and gentle and flows so beautifully.

  2. I appreciate your words – as a newly widowed woman who moved to a new state then faced the pandemic, I resonated deeply with your words. Witness is such a key to our lives. Why don’t more people understand that??? Thank you for this.

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