It was a promise made,
between two friends,
one sat on a swing and the other pushed
up and down she went, tears rolling down her eyes
He promised he would be strong, he would not cry, because he was a big boy,
They remained in silence,
Their minds consumed by what the future held
The world as they know it, was being broken broken apart,
They were inseparable since they were 4 and 5
Seven years of friendship, they would now face the test of all friendships,
A horn honked in the distance, they both know their dreaded fate,
It was there they made the promise, that when they were old enough,
They would meet again, they would count the years to ten,
She jumped off the swing, and they embraced hoping time would stand still,
A second car honk was heard in the distance
She pulled away, tears in her eyes,
she walked towards the car,
The tear held back, fell from his eyes
As he stood by the swing waiting
He counted the years to ten
And from the horizon he saw a form in the distance
What a beautiful, poignant poem. I especially liked the image of the swing, and the honking of the car horn was heartbreaking. Thanks for sharing.