Hour 14: Hurricane Season 2020 (All in the Family)

Hanna was the first to grow into a whirlwind, Touching Texas, flashing floods, Leaving powerlessness in her wake Texas couldn’t handle Hanna after all. I could have told them Hanna don’t play   Isaias was a killer, moving too fast to get out of his…

A Work of Heart

A constant moving canvas, always a masterpiece, but never quite completed, a lifetime of work that keeps building and growing. Family moments, and memories, loves lost and found, mistakes made and lessons learned, each experience another brush stroke, adding more beauty, colors intricately blending into…

Children of my mind

Children of my mind, you are no less Than the children of my body. You are the creations I’ve laboured over By myself, needing no friend or lover (Parthenogenesis). Deep in my subconscious lay the seed Of what you would one day be. You have…

Invisible Boy – Hour Fourteen

My handsome invisible baby boy I’d be proud to call you “my son” If you were indeed mine, you would bring me such joy From the moment your life had begun I would raise you with guidance and a loving heart And teach you to…

The boys #thepoetrymarathon #prompthourfourteen

I have two happy little boys Who keep me wild and free They lead me into forests For the toadstools to see. One is thin and grubby His hair black and slick The other is all smiles Though he looks like a stick. They love…

Beautiful Swan – Hour Thirteen

Beautiful swan floating gracefully by Dancing softly like the winds of spring Your joy and your candor, incredibly spry The weight of the world on your wing You pass by with ease and no cares in the sight So strong in your humility For though…

To Nili #thepoetrymarathon #prompthourthirteen

Grace and poise and beauty in unison The dance of the cygnets on ice. I recall the Royal Albert Hall, where you took us. Almost the last time we met. When Death came calling you were sleeping Or I like to think of it that…

Hour 13: Intoxicating

Someone gifted me a rainbow To hold up the sky It carries the clouds on its shoulder It keeps the storm above the mountain Letting in sunlight beyond the hills   Someone planted me a field of dandelions To feed the dragonflies It cushions my…

The Reunion – Hour Twelve

I awake to find a ghost in view And jump when it looks at me A familiar face forms One I have forgotten It has been so long I am teary My heart smiles My world Dad

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