In Hell I was formed and in Hell I will die

You are not deserving of an origin story and you will not be remembered I know the deeds of your hands they can never be truly cleaned You are the monster here I will send you back to Hell These words you speak are empty…

(Hour 22) 19.30pm-20.30pm. TEXT PROMPT: tenderness

tenderness Stella and Ryan keep bickering About petrol, spark plugs, tires And anything else they feel like. Constant since they “re-found” me Not that I was ever lost. I always knew. Sometimes wish I was still underwater. Better than air pods deep pools. We’re crawling…

Those Who Take Care of Us – Hour Twenty-Two

There are many angels in our lives Some family, some friends Those who take care of us through time On whom we can depend The ones that never ask a thing And want nothing in return Those that hold us at our worst Our rocks…


See the dawn break and know that Night lied This is the lie that she tells she whispers it every night Night needs you to believe that she has conquered the sun But each morning it rises as proof that Night has not yet won

Image Prompt -Poem 22 The lonely Journey

The lonely Journey The grass is greener on the other side Keep going Don’t give up The journey may seem far The aerial view Reminds me of the war in Ukraine The line of trucks for the Russians Trying to invade maripoul The journey seemed…


When dark skies signal a gathering storm, I reach for you while I try to stay warm. Like an open umbrella protecting me the shelter you give brings me safety and peace.  

I have failed my quest

Here will mark my end for I cannot keep going my feet are far too weary and my bones feel worn I cannot continue on for I have failed my quest and my journey is meaningless it is here that my resolve fails To continue…