Hour eleven: hoho haha hehe

early morning commotion in the local park. a group of seniors gathered together were creating a ruckus. a few joggers and walkers stopped to watch their one antic. all were doing the same action, standing with feet apart and raising their forelimbs gently, stretching their…

No words

It is now hour ten and I do not have more words Try as I might the well has run dry and my brain is no longer crafting phrases I have searched my mind Even in the deep recesses Still I am forced to stare…

Warrior Dove

I’ve tried being peaceful and cooing my song. But this shit’s untenable; it’s gone on far too long. So I’m giving up peace and going on the attack. All you privileged white men had best watch your backs! My wingspan is strong and will bring…

The Lazy Honeybee – hour 10

Hour 10, Prompt 10   The Lazy Honeybee   The other bees grew weary of Larry droning on about his sore wing.   Laden with pollen Larry refused to carry because of his wing,   the other bees darted to and fro, past him lounging…

Text Prompt- Poem 10 Our Dog Bingo

Our Dog Bingo Was a hero He was full of valour A strong confident of Alsatian breed He brought our family joy He was very playful He will be remembered because of his bravery He protected our family He became a Guard dog He became…

Inner child, fed

There is a danger when I am home alone and spy a carton of eggs when opening the refrigerator door even moreso if there is also bread in the breadbox and then if a saucepan is clean I can hard-boil some of those eggs while…

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