Pan Loco

“A ver mija,” he said as his work-worn hands gently mixed flour, sugar, salt, shortening, baking powder, milk and a hint of vanilla into a simple dough, he called it “pan loco” and laughed. We had no language but this, and the smile that would…

January Tracks

Hour 9, Prompt 9   January Tracks   Come January when family’s tire tracks are frozen in the drive And the cookstove pumps its heat through his roughshod shack Wind whistles lonely hollow along the edge of camp And mem’ries come quick on its melody’s…

Hour 9: comfort food

lentils and rice Slow-cooked Yellow from turmeric Fragrant with spices Hot, steaming Delicious Dip into memory and take a large helping of khichadi

Carrot cake

There is just something about carrot cake that seems to almost let me forgot Forget that I am constantly at war with my brain and that even the good days include skirmishes And just for a moment not dwell on all the ways I have…

Unfurl – hour 8

Hour 8, Prompt 8 Gigan   Unfurl   the unsettling rose upward with tumult unfolding within   pressing, pushing, unfurling frozen potential caught swirling amid darkness and frustration curling   a great, dark swelling of intent mixed with cellular structure   rent asunder and over…

The Toll

To tear down progress of a people oppressed is a cruelty that takes a toll. The harms cannot be measured once; it’s the kind of hurt that grows. It’s a poison that erodes hope and trust for generations. We are left wondering what we know….

Image Prompt -Poem Eight Games night

Games bring families together It’s a way of passing time and brings the community together It is carved from wood to barks of nights The games are passed around till you end up with twos or threes In communities it’s a way of passing time…

Picture, this

Snapshot isn’t even a term anymore we don’t even take photographs everything is generic, staged ‘shot’ truth be told we don’t even use cameras But at the bottom of an ancient shoebox there is a snapshot of you, sitting on the front step of my…

Truth is Always Decided by Those in Power

Know the conclusion before the start this again and you will understand what it is you desire to be different this time will not wait for you to change this story to change yourself Hold tight to the path I will forge within yourself strength…

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