
Five years, light and laughter fill my eyes. Airy and breathy, like feathers floating upon the wind. Hope swells like cresting ocean waves and dreams rise higher than the desert mountain tops of memory. The stars and moon never out of reach for the innocent…


Clarity rings through the darkness of induced sleep. The fog of yesterday clinging to the present day. It has no hold, it has no sway, just a whiff of ancient smells. See, hear, feel, know what has changed, know what has always been. Searching for…


Have u ever never been held by loving arms Heard I love you from your mom Been in trouble with your dad Lived with strangers who claim they’re fam. Have you ever Never been kissed caring hands caress your face A spirit to fix your…

Hour Twelve: Stipulations for receiving

For my last official poem of the day, I followed the prompt. Don’t panic You may feel that there’s not a minute to spare but the moon is not bound by your constraints If you cannot hear her whispers at midnight do not be alarmed…

Attention Attention

Headlines Attention! Attention, read all about it Spot light on, Scene 2-take 23-action!!! Is it all about you? Is that all that you do Can u not be the center today? Can u b with the commoners, Movie star Drama queen Give me space so…

Hour Eleven: Neither neither nor nor

Where is there left to go when you’re neither neither nor nor? When you’re not allowed a name only a label? When you’re defined by what you (don’t) have instead of who you are? When confronted by the fact of your existence they’d rather you…

Hour Ten: Critical decision

A found/blackout poem of sorts—I went through a book about film posters and underlined certain phrases, then added my own bit at the end. Critical decision It is often said that this is the former summarizing the latter In the former situation, I tend to…

On being

You don’t have to write to write a poem– sometimes you can be a writer; sometimes, you just need to be.

Hour Eight: My stupid obsessions

I hate all the thoughts that keep me awake because my mind refuses to relax taking my body along for the ride long after I have closed my eyes Because my mind refuses to relax I toss and turn and worry and fret and strain…