Melody on Wool (Hour 5)

I had a roommate once she had skin like caramel and she liked to tell us stories   One day after dinner we asked why she’d rather sit on the pavement to knit while we drowned our sorrows in wine   She smiled like the…

The Chalice of the Goddess of War

(for hour 5—time capsule prompt—put in the world of Onweald)     The Chalice of the Goddess of War   More than four hundred years have passed Since the wizard Hrazon accepted his quest When prophets announced the lots were cast And he placed her…


Celestial sky still water like deep crushed velvet as above so below what am I but a firefly enamored by your mysteries

Simply Believe

  Drawn to His sweetness like a butterfly to nectar or a moth to a flame Tender compassion meeting eyes holding back tears Offering genuine Love to cover and supersede pain His wide-open arms beg, trust me again Safety and sustenance Freely offered to me…

In my grandma’s kitchen

In my grandma’s kitchen was a jar of chocolate kisses grandpa filled it every week then gave a real one to the Mrs. When grandma had to stay in bed grandpa and I cooked together In my grandma’s kitchen we experimented to her displeasure I…

Rune drafting

I follow the lead of my ancestors who committed epics to stone, via hammers, chisels, sharp rocks stories, histories endure, still studied my people wrote on reindeer skins with intricate threads and techniques told elaborate tales on functional vessels of iron and pewter they cast…

From a Distracted Life

Observed at preschool: Four children play “House” together In the wooden and plastic “House” designated corner of the classroom Of the littlest students with the brightest of futures. ‘Mom’ sits at the round wooden table, looking at the plastic toy cell phone. ‘Dad’ sits on…

Hour 5 Prompt – Technology Driven Life

It’s just another Monday morning And I board a train to my office. In another few seconds, Pushing through people, I grab a seat. Like every other day I start checking my emails. Soon I realise The battery is about to die; I feel like gibbering in…

Boy on the Bus

There she is again, I saw her last week, Taking the same bus as me, I have my head phones on, Music playing.   Do I say anything? I probably shouldn’t. She’d probably think I am some kind of freak.   But then again, She…


Like, o.m.g. why are they creepin’ behind me? I know I’m all that and totally amazing. But these stalkers are really just crazy!   It was just one night, that gave them such delight. I can’t help it if they want my body, this perfection…